
A type level encoding of number theory atoms, axioms and rules


Scala Type-Level Number Theory

This repository contains the atoms, axioms and rules from propositional calculus and Typographical Number Theory encoded in the Scala type system.

The project is heavily inspired by the formal systems described by Douglas Hofstadter in Gdel, Escher, Bach: An Eternal Golden Braid and the descriptions and rule names are the same ones used from the book (despite not being the most common ones).

The mapping between proofs and programs follows roughly the CurryHoward correspondence in the sense that constructing an instance of a type is a necessary and sufficient condition for proving the theorem encoded by the type. As long as the instance is constructed using only the provided axiom variables and rule methods (i.e. without instantiating classes directly, using unsafe casts or reflection), a successful compilation acts effectively as an automated verification of the encoded proof.


A trivial proof for P (P):

import PropCalculus._

val t1: P -> ~[~[P]] =
  withPremise { p: P =>

A proof that every theorem is either true or false:

def t2[T <: Theorem]: (T | ~[T]) = {
  val a1: ~[T] -> ~[T]     = withPremise { p => p }

A more complex proof which makes use of the previous theorem:

val t3: ((P -> Q) & (~[P] -> Q)) -> Q =
  withPremise { premise: ((P -> Q) & (~[P] -> Q)) =>
    val a1: P -> Q           = sepLeft(premise)
    val a2: ~[Q] -> ~[P]     = contrapos(a1)
    val a3: ~[P] -> Q        = sepRight(premise)
    val a4: ~[Q] -> ~[~[P]]  = contrapos(a3)

    val a5: ~[Q] -> ~[P | ~[P]] =
      withPremise { premise2: ~[Q] =>
        val b1: ~[P]            = detach(premise2, a2)
        val b2: ~[~[P]]         = detach(premise2, a4)
        val b3: ~[P] & ~[~[P]]  = join(b1, b2)

    val a6: (P | ~[P]) -> Q  = contraposRev(a5)
    detach(t2[P], a6)

A proof that 1 plus 1 equals 2:

import NumCalculus._

val t4: S[_0] + S[_0] == S[S[_0]] = {
  val a1: All[B, S[_0] + S[B] == S[S[_0] + B]]  = specification[S[_0]](axiom3)
  val a2: S[_0] + S[_0] == S[S[_0] + _0]        = specification[_0](a1)
  val a3: S[_0] + _0 == S[_0]                   = specification[S[_0]](axiom2)
  val a4: S[S[_0] + _0] == S[S[_0]]             = addS(a3)
  transitivity(a2, a4)

An invalid proof that 1 plus 1 equals 3:

  val t5: S[_0] + S[_0] == S[S[S[_0]]] = {
    val a1: All[B, S[_0] + S[B] == S[S[_0] + B]]  = specification[S[_0]](axiom3)
    val a2: S[_0] + S[_0] == S[S[_0] + _0]        = specification[_0](a1)
    val a3: S[_0] + _0 == S[S[_0]]                = specification[S[_0]](axiom2)
    val a4: S[S[_0] + _0] == S[S[S[_0]]]          = addS(a3)
    transitivity(a2, a4)
  // -----
  // Compilation error (cleaned up, of course :))
  // -----
  // [error] type mismatch;
  // [error]  found   : ==[+[S[_0],_0],S[_0]]
  // [error]  required: ==[+[S[_0],_0],S[S[_0]]]
  // [error]     val a3: S[_0] + _0 == S[S[_0]]                = specification[S[_0]](axiom2)
  // [error]                                                                         ^