
Functional experiments in Scala

BSD-3-CLAUSE License


An experimental modern FP library in Scala, currently featuring:

  • subtyping-and-inheritance-free typeclasses, defined as case classes where
    members can be overridden using lenses.
  • coercible newtypes, based on the tagged-type trick
  • macros to generate boilerplate associated with the above two features
  • optics. The design will probably be changed later, to not use inheritance.

Additional minor things:

  • Profunctor[P] implies Functor[P[A, ?]], forall A
  • Naperian (A stronger version of Distributive, equivalent to Representable) functors and logarithm types

Typeclass Encoding

The Bind class is defined as follows:

trait Bind[F[_]] {
  def bind[A, B](fa: F[A])(f: A => F[B]): F[B]
  def join[A](ffa: F[F[A]]): F[A]
  val toApply: Apply[F]

The typeclass macro combines the caseclassy and classyLenses macros together, and generates the following:

case class Bind[F[_]](bind: Bind._Bind[F], join: Bind._Join[F], toApply: Apply[F])

object Bind {

  trait _Bind[F[_]] {
    def bind[A, B](fa: F[A])(f: A => F[B]): F[B]

  object _Bind {
    implicit class Syntax[F[_]](val self: _Bind[F]) {
      def apply[A, B](fa: F[A])(f: A => F[B]): F[B] = self.bind[A, B](fa)(f)

  trait _Join[F[_]] {
    def join[A](ffa: F[F[A]]): F[A]

  object _Join {
    implicit class Syntax[F[_]](val self: _Join[F]) {
      def apply[A](ffa: F[F[A]]): F[A] = self.join[A](ffa)

  def _bind[F[_]]: Lens_[Bind[F], _Bind[F]] = Lens(_.bind, x => _.copy(bind = x))
  def _join[F[_]]: Lens_[Bind[F], _Join[F]] = Lens(_.join, x => _.copy(join = x))
  def _toApply[F[_]]: Lens_[Bind[F], Apply[F]] = Lens(_.toApply, x => _.copy(toApply = x))

  def lens[F[_], T: Has[Bind[F], ?]]: Lens_[T, Bind[F]] = Has.lens 

  def bind[F[_], T: Has[Bind[F], ?]]: Lens_[T, Bind._Bind[F]] = lens.composeL(_bind) 
  def join[F[_], T: Has[Bind[F], ?]]: Lens_[T, Bind._Join[F]] = lens.composeL(_join) 
  def toApply[F[_], T: Has[Bind[F], ?]]: Lens_[T, Apply[F]] = lens.composeL(_toApply) 

The first thing to note is that it generates a trait for each def. This allows lenses to be defined for each method. It then converts the typeclass to a case class.

An apply method is also added as syntax to each method-trait. Giving the original methods different names, and only adding apply as syntax, allows the traits to be mixed together for convenience, as shown later.

The next thing to note is that it generates both non-classy and classy lenses for each field. The non-classy lenses should probably be removed, but I haven't done that yet. The classy lenses make use of the Has typeclass, and will work with any "subclass" of the typeclass. Their primary purpose is to allow overriding of methods, via set.

Typeclass Hierarchy and the Has Typeclass

To make Bind a "subclass" of Apply, the following implicits also need to be added to the scato-style hierarchy:

implicit def bindApply[F[_]](implicit e: Bind[F]): Apply[F] = e.toApply
implicit def hasBindApply[F[_], A](implicit e: Has[Bind[F], A]): Has[Apply[F], A] = e.upcast(Bind.toApply)

The first produces an implicit Apply whenever there's an implicit Bind. The second witnesses that anything which Has a Bind also Has an Apply. This allows the classy lenses for Apply to be used with Bind.

Construction of Typeclass Instances:

Typeclasses are constructed via regular functions:

object Bind {
  def fromBindMap[F[_]](bind: _Bind[F], map: Functor._Map[F]): Bind[F] = {
    val x = new Apply._Ap[F] with _Join[F] {
      def ap[A, B](fa: F[A])(fab: F[A => B]): F[B] = bind(fab)(map(fa))
      def join[A](ffa: F[F[A]]): F[A] = bind(ffa)(identity)
    Bind(bind, x, Apply.fromApMap(x, map))

  def fromJoinMap[F[_]](join: _Join[F], map: Functor._Map[F]): Bind[F] = {
    val x = new _Bind[F] {
      def bind[A, B](fa: F[A])(f: A => F[B]): F[B] = join(map(fa)(f))
    fromBindMap(x, map).oset(join)(Bind.join)

Note how the first definition mixes method-traits together for convenience, and how the second uses a lens to override the join method.

Coercible Newtypes

The Identity newtype is defined as:

object IdentityType {

  type Identity[A] = A

  val monad: Monad[Identity] = {
    val x = new Bind._Bind[Identity] with Applicative._Pure[Identity] {
      override def bind[A, B](a: A)(f: A => B): B = f(a)
      override def pure[A](a: A): A = a
    Monad.fromBindPure(x, x)

The newtype macro transforms the above into:

object IdentityType {

  trait Module {
    type Identity[A]
    val monad: Monad[Identity]
    def apply[A](a: A): Identity[A]
    def run[A](a: Identity[A]): A
    def coercion[A, $A0]: Equality[A, Alias.Identity[$A0], Identity[A], Identity[$A0]]

  object Alias extends Module {
    type Identity[A] = A
    val monad: Monad[Identity] = {
      val x = new Bind._Bind[Identity] with Applicative._Pure[Identity] {
        override def bind[A, B](a: A)(f: A => B): B = f(a)
        override def pure[A](a: A): A = a
      Monad.fromBindPure(x, x)
    def apply[A](a: A): Identity[A] = a
    def run[A](a: Identity[A]): A = a
    def coercion[A, $A0]: Equality[A, Alias.Identity[$A0], Identity[A], Identity[$A0]] = Equality.refl

  val Newtype: Module = Alias

  class RunSyntax[A](val self: Identity[A]) {
    def run: A =

  trait TopLevel {
    val Identity: Newtype.type = Newtype
    type Identity[A] = Newtype.Identity[A]
    val IdentityAlias: Alias.type = Alias
    type IdentityAlias[A] = Alias.Identity[A]
    implicit def toIdentityRunSyntax[A](a: Identity[A]): RunSyntax[A] = new RunSyntax[A](a)


Newtype is annotated to only have type Module, rather than Alias.type, so Newtype.Identity[A] is abstract, and doesn't reduce to A.

The following trait is then defined and mixed into the package object:

trait IdentityModule extends IdentityType.TopLevel {
  type Id[A] = IdentityAlias[A]
  implicit val identityMonad: Monad[Identity] = Identity.monad