
A scala library for the Tak board game

AGPL-3.0 License



A scala library for the Tak board game

Example usage

import com.github.daenyth.taklib._
val invalid: Either[String, Game] = Game.fromTps("invalid")
// invalid: Either[String,com.github.daenyth.taklib.Game] = Left(`[' expected but `i' found)
val game = Game.fromTps("[ 1,2,1,2,1/2,1,2,1,2/1,2,1,2,1/2,1,2,1,2/1,2,1,2,1 12 2 ]").getOrElse(throw new Exception)
// game: com.github.daenyth.taklib.Game = com.github.daenyth.taklib.Game@78c4cfdd
val winner = game.winner
// winner: Option[com.github.daenyth.taklib.GameEndResult] = Some(FlatWin(White))
val game = Game.ofSize(6).getOrElse(throw new Exception())
// game: com.github.daenyth.taklib.Game = com.github.daenyth.taklib.Game@5cf72de5
val winner = game.winner
// winner: Option[com.github.daenyth.taklib.GameEndResult] = None
val next: MoveResult[Game] = game.takeTurn(PlayFlat(Black, BoardIndex(1, 1)))
// next: com.github.daenyth.taklib.MoveResult[com.github.daenyth.taklib.Game] = OkMove(com.github.daenyth.taklib.Game@66f6a349)

Release status

Taklib is currently alpha status - there may be bugs and the api is not stable yet

What you can do now

  • Create new games with an empty board
  • Create a new game from a TPS string
  • Create a (potentially completed) game from a PTN file, including games beginning with TPS tags
  • Play moves that are checked for validity
  • Detect all game-ending conditions
  • Run a rudimentary interactive mode on the command line
  • Add your own custom game rules
  • Run an HTTP REST server that accepts tps and move input, returning tps.

Interactive game on the command line

sbt takcli/run

TPS Server

sbt tpsserver/run

The server runs on localhost:8080 and listens for POST requests to /tpsMove with a json payload like

  "tps" : "x6/x6/x6/x6/x6/x6 1 1",
  "move" : "a1"

For example:

# python
import requests
requests.post("http://localhost:8080/tpsMove", json={
  "tps" : "x6/x6/x6/x6/x6/x6 1 1",
  "move" : "a1"
# {u'OkMove': {u'nextState': u'1,x,x,x,x,x/x,x,x,x,x,x/x,x,x,x,x,x/x,x,x,x,x,x/x,x,x,x,x,x/x,x,x,x,x,x 2 1'}}

requests.post("http://localhost:8080/tpsMove", json={
  "tps" : "invalid",
  "move" : "a1"
# {u'errors': [u"TPS: string matching regex `(1|2)+[SC]?' expected but `i' found"]}

requests.post("http://localhost:8080/tpsMove", json={
  "tps" : "1,1,1,1,1,x/x6/x6/x6/x6/x6 1 1",
  "move" : "a6"
# {u'GameOver': {u'finalState': u'1,1,1,1,1,1/x,x,x,x,x,x/x,x,x,x,x,x/x,x,x,x,x,x/x,x,x,x,x,x/x,x,x,x,x,x 2 1',
#   u'result': {u'RoadWin': {u'player': {u'White': {}}}}}}

The exact json structure is likely going to be changed. Right now it's automatically derived from the internal representation, rather than being designed to be easy to use directly.

Add custom rules

Create a RuleSet to make new games with

scala> Game.ofSize(7, DefaultRules)
res0: Either[String,com.github.daenyth.taklib.Game] = scala.Left(Bad game size: 7)

// A new variant with a size-7 board that has 40 flatstones and 7 capstones per player!
scala> Game.ofSize(7, new RuleSet {
     | val rules = DefaultRules.rules
     | val expectedStoneColor = DefaultRules.expectedStoneColor
     | val stoneCounts = DefaultRules.stoneCounts + ((7, (40, 7)))
     | })
res1: Either[String,com.github.daenyth.taklib.Game] = scala.Right(com.github.daenyth.taklib.Game@517564bf)


  • Easy to use
  • Type safe interface
  • Thread safe - taklib is fully based off immutable data structures, so is inherantly thread safe
  • Able to support branching history with arbitrary rollback/rollforward (not implemented yet)


  • Not aiming to be the fastest runtime - I'm not benchmarking anything until the project is much more stable.
  • Stable API - for now. This is a new library, and so the api can change without notice as I find better ways to do things.
  • Supporting scala.js - for now. It should be possible with little effort but it's not a priority. Patches welcome
  • Scalaz usage. Taklib will only support cats


sbt test


Taklib is under the AGPL3. For more information, see COPYING