
Test querying Titan




This project is intended to test querying Titan, Gremlin and Gremlin-Scala. I created this project after having performance issues and though it would be easier to troubleshoot.

What it does

Basically we are loading Vertices from XML files:

  • Lookups (Just to add more data)
  • Ingredients (Just to add more data)
  • VTM
  • And VMP. This one is special because it will query using GraphUtils the DB with the DMDID a previously added VTM. This query is the one slowing down the loading process if the indexing is not working properly.


This is a SBT project so run: sbt clean "run -i [indexing mode] -q [querying mode]"

[indexing mode] can be:

  • none
  • titan
  • es (for Elastic Search indexing)
  • lucene

[querying mode] can be:

  • graphQuery for graph.query().has("dmdid", id).has("type", type).vertices().toStream
  • javaPipes1 for new GremlinPipeline(graph.getVertices("dmdid", id)).has("type", type).cast(classOf[Vertex]).iterator().toStream
  • javaPipes2 for new GremlinPipeline(graph.getVertices).has("dmdid", id).has("type", type).cast(classOf[Vertex]).iterator().toStream
  • javaPipes3 for new GremlinPipeline(graph).V().has("dmdid", id).has("type", type).cast(classOf[Vertex]).iterator().toStream
  • scalaPipes1 for graph.V.has("dmdid", id).has("type", type).toStream()
  • scalaPipes2 for GremlinScalaPipeline(graph).V.has("dmdid", id).has("type", type).toStream()
  • scalaPipes3 for GremlinScalaPipeline.fromElements(graph.getVertices("dmdid", id)).has("type", type).toStream
  • groovyQuery for graph.V.has("dmdid", id).has("type", type) (this code is Groovy code executed via the GremlinGroovyScriptEngine)


Here is what I measured on my machine (the times are the execution time given by SBT):

  • sbt clean "run -i titan -q graphQuery : ~157s
  • sbt clean "run -i titan -q javaPipes1 : ~156s
  • sbt clean "run -i titan -q javaPipes2 : too much (not using indexing)
  • sbt clean "run -i titan -q javaPipes3 : ??? (Using indexing)
  • sbt clean "run -i titan -q scalaPipes1 : too much (not using indexing)
  • sbt clean "run -i titan -q scalaPipes2 : too much (not using indexing)
  • sbt clean "run -i titan -q scalaPipes3 : using indexing
  • sbt clean "run -i titan -q groovyQuery : ~170s
  • sbt clean "run -i es -q graphQuery : too much (not using indexing)
  • sbt clean "run -i lucene -q graphQuery : too much (not using indexing)