
A SQL port of python's scikit-learn preprocessing module, provided as cross-database dbt macros.

MIT License



A package for dbt which enables standardization of data sets. You can use it to build a feature store in your data warehouse, without using external libraries like Spark's mllib or Python's scikit-learn.

The package contains a set of macros that mirror the functionality of the scikit-learn preprocessing module. Originally they were developed as part of the 2019 Medium article Feature Engineering in Snowflake.

Currently they have been tested in Snowflake, Redshift , BigQuery, SQL Server and PostgreSQL 13.2. The test case expectations have been built using scikit-learn (see *.py in integration_tests/data/sql), so you can expect behavioural parity with it.

⚠️ There are now several better alternatives to this package. If you're using Snowflake, they now offer the snowflake-ml-python package which is fully supported and much more comprehensive. Within dbt, the Python models feature allows Snowflake, BigQuery and Databricks users to use scikit-learn directly

The macros are:

scikit-learn function macro name Snowflake BigQuery Redshift MSSQL PostgreSQL Example
KBinsDiscretizer k_bins_discretizer Y Y Y Y Y example
LabelEncoder label_encoder Y Y Y Y Y example
MaxAbsScaler max_abs_scaler Y Y Y Y Y example
MinMaxScaler min_max_scaler Y Y Y Y Y example
Normalizer normalizer Y Y Y Y Y example
OneHotEncoder one_hot_encoder Y Y Y Y Y example
QuantileTransformer quantile_transformer Y Y N N Y example
RobustScaler robust_scaler Y Y Y Y Y example
StandardScaler standard_scaler Y Y Y N Y example

* 2D charts taken from scikit-learn.org, GIFs are my own


To use this in your dbt project, create or modify packages.yml to include:

  - package: "omnata-labs/dbt_ml_preprocessing"
    version: [">=1.0.2"]

(replace the revision number with the latest)

Then run: dbt deps to import the package.

dbt 1.0.0 compatibility

dbt-ml-preprocessing version 1.2.0 is the first version to support (and require) dbt 1.0.0.

If you are not ready to upgrade to dbt 1.0.0, please use dbt-ml-preprocessing version 1.0.2.


To read the macro documentation and see examples, simply generate your docs, and you'll see macro documentation in the Projects tree under dbt_ml_preprocessing: