
Code from "How useful is quantilization for mitigating specification-gaming?"

MIT License



How useful is quantilization for mitigating specification-gaming? introduces variants of several classic environments (Mountain Car, Hopper and Video Pinball) where the observed reward differs from the true reward, creating an opportunity for the agent to game the specification of the observed reward. The paper shows that a quantilizing agent avoids specification gaming and performs better in terms of true reward than both imitation learning and a regular RL agent on all the environments. This repository contains the code to reproduce the experiments from the paper.

Getting Started

Clone this repository and install the other dependencies with pip:

git clone https://github.com/mtrazzi/quantilizers.git
cd quantilizers
pip install -U -r requirements.txt

For Hopper-v2, you'll need to install mujoco first.

Play as a human

python play/gather_data.py --env_id {'Hopper-v2','MountainCar-v0'}

(Currently doesn't support Video Pinball. If you want to play 'VideoPinballNoFrameskip-v4' you should adapt the keys to action dictionary from play/gather_data.py to the actions of VideoPinball.)

Instruction for Hopper-v2

  1. The goal of this game is to go as far as you can on the right, using three rotations: the first one is next to the foot, the middle one and a higher one.

  2. After launching python gather_data.py, you should see some mujocopy rendering (see image below).

  3. Press d to have "render every frame" set to Off, and press Tab to have an horizontal camera angle that follows you.

  4. After step 1), you will now start playing the game using your keyboard. To allow PyGame to listen to your keyboard movements, you must have the focus on the pygame black window (i.e. the black window must be in front of any rendering from the environment).

  1. When the pygame black window is in front, the keys to move are {j,k} (for the foot), {w,s} for the top junction and {a,d} for the middle junction. Those keys can be directly modified in the gather_data.py file, replacing {j,k,w,s,a,d} with your keys.

  2. To do a few steps, you can mostly use the keys for the foot (jk) and sometimes use the keys from the upper junction (sw). It's recommended to watch a video of a trained AI performing the Hopper-v2 task here before playing.

  3. When you're done, you can close the window using the [Esc] key.

Instruction for MountainCar-v0

  1. after launching python gather_data.py you should put the focus on the pygame black window*. That's really important. Otherwise it's impossible to catch the moves you're doing.

  2. moves are {a,s,d} where a is left and d is right. The goal is to reach the flag on the right.


To import the Hopper-v2 and MountainCar-v0 human datasets, run the following command:

cd scripts/
sh load_data.sh
cd ..

The downloaded datasets will be in log/[ENV_NAME]/[DATASET_NAME].npz.

For the Atari Grand Challenge datasets (for Video Pinball), the v2 datasets can be found here.

Launching the train/test/plot pipeline

Simply run the following command:

python quantilizer.py [-h] [--dataset_name DATASET_NAME] [--env_name ENV_NAME]
                      [--do DO [DO ...]] [--seed_min SEED_MIN]
                      [--seed_nb SEED_NB]
                      [--number_trajectories NUMBER_TRAJECTORIES]
                      [--quantiles QUANTILES [QUANTILES ...]]
                      [--render RENDER] [--plotstyle PLOTSTYLE] [--path PATH]


  • DATASET_NAME corresponds to the name of the .npz file (for instance "ryan").
  • ENV_NAME is the name of the gym environment (for instance Hopper-v2).
  • DO is the list of things you want to do for this particular setup (for instance "train" if you just want to train your quantilizer model, or "train test plot" if you want to train the model, generate some rollouts and plot those).
  • The trainings, testing, plotting etc. are done for seeds {SEED_MIN, SEED_MIN + 1, ... , SEED_MIN + SEED_NB - 1}.
  • NUMBER_TRAJECTORIES is the number of episodes generated in rollouts.
  • the arguments after --quantiles is the list of quantiles you want to do the training, testing, etc. on. For instance 1.0 0.5 0.1.
  • RENDER is True or False, and defines whether the render method from gym is applied when generating rollouts.
  • PLOTSTYLE can be mean_seeds, median_seeds or distribution, defining how to aggregate the results from different seeds.
  • PATH is to save your model in a specific path, for instance can be run_nb_42/

Here is a simple example that will generate true & proxy rewards in log/fig: python quantilizer.py --do train test plot --env_name MountainCar-v0 --quantiles 1.0 0.5 0.25 0.1 0.01 --plotstyle mean_seeds

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