
SciKIt-learn Pipeline in PAndas

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SciKIt-learn Pre-processing Pipeline in PAndas

Read more in the introduction blog on towardsdatascience

Want to create a machine learning model using pandas & scikit-learn? This should make your life easier.

Skippa helps you to easily create a pre-processing and modeling pipeline, based on scikit-learn transformers but preserving pandas dataframe format throughout all pre-processing. This makes it a lot easier to define a series of subsequent transformation steps, while referring to columns in your intermediate dataframe.

So basically the same idea as scikit-pandas, but a different (and hopefully better) way to achieve it.


pip install skippa

Optional, if you want to use the gradio app functionality:

pip install skippa[gradio]

Basic usage

Import Skippa class and columns helper function

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from sklearn.linear_model import LogisticRegression

from skippa import Skippa, columns

Get some data

df = pd.DataFrame({
    'q': [0, 0, 0],
    'date': ['2021-11-29', '2021-12-01', '2021-12-03'],
    'x': ['a', 'b', 'c'],
    'x2': ['m', 'n', 'm'],
    'y': [1, 16, 1000],
    'z': [0.4, None, 8.7]
y = np.array([0, 0, 1])

Define your pipeline:

pipe = (
        .select(columns(['x', 'x2', 'y', 'z']))
        .cast(columns(['x', 'x2']), 'category')
        .impute(columns(dtype_include='number'), strategy='median')
        .impute(columns(dtype_include='category'), strategy='most_frequent')
        .scale(columns(dtype_include='number'), type='standard')
        .onehot(columns(['x', 'x2']))

and use it for fitting / predicting like this:, y=y)

predictions = pipe.predict_proba(df)

If you want details on your model, use:

model = pipe.get_model()


And of course you can save and load your model pipelines (for deployment). N.B. dill is used for ser/de because joblib and pickle don't provide enough support.'./models/my_skippa_model_pipeline.dill')


my_pipeline = Skippa.load_pipeline('./models/my_skippa_model_pipeline.dill')
predictions = my_pipeline.predict(df_new_data)

See the ./examples directory for more examples:

To Do

  • Support pandas assign for creating new columns based on existing columns
  • Support cast / astype transformer
  • Support for .apply transformer: wrapper around pandas.DataFrame.apply
  • Check how GridSearch (or other param search) works with Skippa
  • Add a method to inspect a fitted pipeline/model by creating a Gradio app defining raw features input and model output
  • Support PCA transformer
  • Facilitate random seed in Skippa object that is dispatched to all downstream operations
  • fit-transform does lazy evaluation > cast to category and then selecting category columns doesn't work > each fit/transform should work on the expected output state of the previous transformer, rather than on the original dataframe
  • Investigate if Skippa can directly extend sklearn's Pipeline -> using getitem trick
  • Use sklearn's new dataframe output setting
  • Validation of pipeline steps
  • Input validation in transformers
  • Transformer for replacing values (pandas .replace)
  • Support arbitrary transformer (if column-preserving)
  • Eliminate the need to call columns explicitly


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