
Serviceability assessment as per BS 6472 for human exposure to vibration in buildings Vibration sources other than blasting


BS 6472

Serviceability assessment as per BS 6472 for human exposure to vibration in buildings Vibration sources other than blasting

How to use it

Import the Service_assessment class and pass the accelerarion data (NDArray), sampling frequency (float), activaty factor based on BS6472 guidelines, and rms

Example Single Meassurement

    from bs_6473 import Service_assessment

    class VibrationTest(BaseModel):
        name: str
        fs: float
        Acc_x: np.ndarray
        Acc_y: np.ndarray
        Acc_z: np.ndarray
        def set_accelerations(self, axis: Literal['Acc_x', 'Acc_y', 'Acc_z'], data: np.ndarray):
            setattr(self, axis, data)
        class Config:
            arbitrary_types_allowed = True

    class VibrationSurvey(BaseModel):
        list_of_tests: List[VibrationTest]
        def append(self, test: VibrationTest):

        def get_axis_data(self, axis: Literal['Acc_x', 'Acc_y', 'Acc_z']) -> List[np.ndarray]:
            return [getattr(test, axis) for test in self.list_of_tests]

    # Process the data: and slice the event : [39600:42000]
    acc_data = vibration_survey.list_of_tests[5].Acc_z[39600:42000]*9.81
    fs = vibration_survey.list_of_tests[5].fs
    _dir = 'Z'
    service_assessment = Service_assessment(acc_data=acc_data, 
                                            _dir = _dir,
                                            rms= 0.18)
    # Curve factor as per BS 6472
    curve_factors = [1,2,4,8,24]
    labels = [f"{factor}x base curve" for factor in curve_factors]
    labels[0] = 'Base curve'
    service_assessment.BS_6472(act_fact=[1,2,4,8,24], labels=labels, tooltip=True , sensor_names=['Sensor 3'])

Example Multiple Measurements

    # Vibration_survey_align_z: VibrationSurvey
    vibration_survey_align_z = align_data_from_vibration_survey(vibration_survey, 'Acc_z')

    acc_z = vibration_survey_align_z.get_axis_data('Acc_z')
    acc_z_ms = acc_z
    acc_z_ms = [slice_array(acc,29600,32000) for acc in acc_z]

    rms_acc_z = [calculate_rms(acc) for acc in acc_z_ms]
    max_index = np.argmax(rms_acc_z)

    # Tooltip asignation to the max rms value
    bool_list = [False] * len(data)
    bool_list[max_index] = True

    _dir = 'Z'
    service_assessment = Service_assessment(acc_data=acc_z_ms, 
                                            _dir = _dir,
                                            rms= rms_acc_z)
    # Curve factor as per BS 6472
    curve_factors = [1,2,4,8,24]
    labels = [f"{factor}x base curve" for factor in curve_factors]
    labels[0] = 'Base curve'
    # Assessment plot
    service_assessment.BS_6472(act_fact=[1,2,4,8,24], labels=labels,tooltip=bool_list,sensor_names=names)



pip install -r requirements.txt