
A monkey that clicks around on webpages doing random input style testing.



Click Monkey is a self contained testing tool that will stress your webbased ui with random clicks and input. Typically Click Monkey will find errors related to input validation.

Click Monkey works just like a selenium test, except it never stops. It simply keeps clicking random elements and inputing random data until you stop it.

To help the monkey find errors such as 500 and 404 status codes it will setup a local proxy to see the browsers errors and report if it finds any broken urls.

Getting started!


  • JRE
  • Node 6.3+

To install your clickmonkey you use npm.

npm install -G clickmonkey

Your clickmonkey needs a configuration file to point it to the right website. To setup a configuration file you type

clickmonkey init

This will create a file clickmonkey.js for you to configure. You can specify a specific filename if you do not like the clickmonkey.js. This also allows you to have several configurations stored on disc.

The configuration file should be self-explanatory, but here are the essentials.


Your configuration file must specify the url where the monkey will be unleashed.

  // The absolute url to the website you want to unleash the monkey on goes here
  url: 'your absolute url goes here  like'


Most pages worth testing requires a bit of wiggeling to get the monkey in the mood.

To do this you specify the intro in the configuration file.

intro: (driver)=>
    driver.pause(1000).setValue('#user', 'Admin').pause(100).
    setValue('#password', 'Admin').pause(100).click('#loginButton').pause(100),

This intro waits a bit, enters a value into the #user field, then enters another value into the #password field to then click hte #loginButton.

It is important that the intro returns the driver promise so that the monkey can be unleashed once the intro is complete.


To contain the monkey to certain parts of your website you can specify a fence. To define your fence you edit the fence part of the configuration

  fence: {
    blacklist: ['#/login'],
    path: 'path of app to constrain clickmonkey too'

The blacklist should be an array of pages the monkey should leave if it reaches. The example above has a login page as a blacklist to capture when the monkey accedentilly logged itself out.

You can also specify a path in which you want to contain the monkey.

If the monkey goes outside it's fence, it will restart and go through the intro again.

Unleashing the monkey!

To let loose your monkey you run the unleash command. This is also the default, so you just have to type clickmonkey if you also use the default configuration file name.


You can give an additional input to the clickmonkey if you want to run a different configuration file.

clickmonkey [configuration file]


clickmonkey unleash [configuration file]

The monkey will then:

  1. install selenium with the neccessary drivers.
  2. Start up a local proxy
  3. Open a browser with traffic going through said proxy
  4. Run the intro
  5. Start click and inputing random stuff

Know gotchas

  • The url needs to be the exact url to the page you want to unleash the monkey on. If the proxy hits a 302 redirect or similar the monkey will freak out because it cant find it's fence. See Node Proxy issue 1030
  • Some pages keep an active request open to a server for different reasons (metrics most probably). This will cause the monkey to go really slow. There needs to be a list of urls in the config that the monkey shouldn't care about this is a feature needed in clickmonkey.
  • Atleast on Windows PowerShell the monkey can't display the console UI. It is displayed when you hit CTRL+C to stop the monkey. Node Status issue 9




If you want to help out, thats great! Here are some guidelines:

  • Less is more
    • I suspect that I've added more code than neccessary. The goal is to have as litle code as possible, but yet have it be readable.

      I've missed some places where I wrap a promise in another promise for example where the wrapping could just be removed.

      Let's help eachother become better developers by trying to reduce and clarify the code.

  • Pull requests are fun
    • Please issue pull requests! Just remember the guideline above.

      You should expect discussions in the pull requests. This is a learning experience, and is a vital part of getting a pull request accepted.

  • Promises
    • The code uses promises extensivly, please respect that by doing so in issued pull requests.
  • The Monkey shouldn't stop
    • It can pause for a while, and then continue, but it shouldn't stop.

      If you find a place where it stops I appreciate a heads up, or even better one of them pull requests that fixes things.

Release history

  • 0.6 support for single inputs, better button detection and kills selenium on exit
  • 0.5 minor bugfixes after testing on Windows
  • 0.4 fix with for verions being outdated as chrome autoupdates.
  • 0.3 command line switches
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