
This utility enables you to launch and shutdown a Selenium 3 Grid instance with a configurable mix of supported drivers.

APACHE-2.0 License



Built on Selenium Foundation, this project produces a collection of modules that make launching Selenium Grid collections more manageable and modular.

Implementation Strategy

Unlike other projects with similar objectives, local-grid-parent simplifies the process of launching Selenium Grid collections by leveraging the power of Apache Maven to marshal the dependencies required by the specified grid configuration. Instead of lumping everything together in a massive "uber-JAR", the submodules defined in this project declare the dependencies of hub and node servers, including a bit of glue to configure and launch these servers.

This approach yields several benefits:

  • To install, just download the local-grid-hub JAR and run it:
    • java -jar local-grid-hub-2.0.0.jar
    • NOTE: The maven-central badge above links to the latest release.
  • Because all dependencies are managed individually, remediation of defects and vulnerabilities is easy.
  • Your installation gets the dependencies it needs, without getting bulked up with unused extras.

The task of launching the grid servers is performed by the Maven Exec plugin, which executes the Java command line application implemented in the Main class of the local-grid-hub module. The Maven project definition (POM) file for this module defines several profiles (one for each supported browser), and it's these profiles that activate the dependency declarations requires by their respective grid node servers.

System Requirements

  • As indicated above, local-grid-parent relies on Apache Maven to manage dependencies and execute the Java command line application that launches the specified grid collection. This project was developed with version 3.8.4.
  • To run pre-built local-grid-parent modules, you'll need a Java 8+ runtime environment.
  • For each of the desktop browsers for which you'll be serving sessions, you'll need to install the corresponding driver executable. If the directory in which these executables are stored is on the PATH, the corresponding System properties will be set automatically.
  • If you want to explore the code and build it locally, you'll need a git client to clone the repository and a Java 8+ development kit to build the project.

Requirements for Appium

Unlike the other drivers supported by local-grid-parent which are implemented in Java, the "engines" provided by Appium are implemented in NodeJS. To launch a Selenium Grid collection that includes Appium nodes, you'll need the following additional tools:

  • Platform-specific Node Version Manager: The installation page for npm (below) provides links to recommended version managers.
  • NodeJS (node): Currently, I'm running version 22.7.0
  • Node Package Manager (npm): Currently, I'm running version 10.8.2
  • Node Process Manager (pm2): Currently, I'm running version 5.4.2
  • Appium: Currently, I'm running version 2.11.3

Typically, these tools must be on the system file path. However, you can provide specific paths for each of these via Selenium Foundation settings:

  • NPM_BINARY_PATH: If unspecified, the PATH is searched
  • NODE_BINARY_PATH: If unspecified, the NODE_BINARY_PATH environment variable is checked; if this is undefined, the PATH is searched
  • PM2_BINARY_PATH: If unspecified, the PATH is searched
  • APPIUM_BINARY_PATH: If unspecified, the APPIUM_BINARY_PATH environment variable is checked; if this is undefined, the PATH is searched

Launch a Local Grid

In one step, you can launch a Selenium Grid hub and a single node that supplies HtmlUnit browser sessions. From the directory that contains the local-grid-hub JAR and its extracted POM file:

mvn exec:java -Phtmlunit

Note the -Phtmlunit option on the preceding command. This specifies the inclusion of the htmlunit profile, which activates the dependencies required by this "headless" browser. It also adds a parameter to the internal command line that specifies activation of a node that provides HtmlUnit browser sessions.

To launch a grid that provides multiple browser types, specify multiple plugin profiles. The grid collection from this command provides both Chrome and Firefox sessions:

mvn exec:java -Pchrome -Pfirefox

Augment an Active Grid

In addition to its ability to launch a Selenium Grid collection, local-grid-parent enables you to add nodes to an existing active Grid. This can either extend the set of supported browsers or provide additional sessions of browsers that are already supported. For example:

mvn exec:java -Pchrome # launch a grid providing Chrome sessions
mvn exec:java -Popera # attach a node providing Opera sessions
mvn exec:java -Pchrome # attach a second node providing Chrome

Supported Profiles

Profile Plugin
chrome com.nordstrom.automation.selenium.plugins.ChromePlugin
edge com.nordstrom.automation.selenium.plugins.EdgePlugin
espresso com.nordstrom.automation.selenium.plugins.EspressoPlugin
firefox com.nordstrom.automation.selenium.plugins.FirefoxPlugin
htmlunit com.nordstrom.automation.selenium.plugins.HtmlUnitPlugin
mac2 com.nordstrom.automation.selenium.plugins.Mac2Plugin
opera com.nordstrom.automation.selenium.plugins.OperaPlugin
phantomjs com.nordstrom.automation.selenium.plugins.PhantomJsPlugin
safari com.nordstrom.automation.selenium.plugins.SafariPlugin
uiautomator2 com.nordstrom.automation.selenium.plugins.UiAutomator2Plugin
windows com.nordstrom.automation.selenium.plugins.WindowsPlugin
xcuitest com.nordstrom.automation.selenium.plugins.XCUITestPlugin

Shut Down a Local Grid

To shut down an active local grid instance, specify the -shutdown argument:

mvn exec:java -Dexec.args="-shutdown"

NOTE: Appium local grid nodes will be shut down by this command, but the pm2 process manager will remain active. This is due to its meager resource consumption and the possibility that it may be managing other processes.

Command Line Options

As show above, local-grid-hub accepts command line options via the exec.args property. Here's the list of supported options:

  • -port : specify port for local hub server (default = 4445)
  • -plugins : path-delimited list of fully-qualified node plugin classes
  • -hubServlets : comma-delimited list of fully-qualified servlet classes to install on the hub server
  • -nodeServlets : comma-delimited list of fully-qualified servlet classes to install on the node servers
  • -workingDir : working directory for servers
  • -logsFolder : server output logs folder (default = "logs")
  • -noRedirect : disable server output redirection (default = false)
  • -shutdown : shut down active local Grid collection

For example, to add support for the hub status API, specify the corresponding servlets:

mvn exec:java -Dexec.args="-hubServlets org.openqa.grid.web.servlet.HubStatusServlet"

Navigating to the hub status path (/grid/admin/HubStatusServlet) on the grid will yield a result like this:

  "browserTimeout": 0,
  "capabilityMatcher": "com.nordstrom.automation.selenium.utility.RevisedCapabilityMatcher",
  "cleanUpCycle": 5000,
  "custom": {
  "debug": false,
  "host": "",
  "newSessionRequestCount": 0,
  "newSessionWaitTimeout": -1,
  "port": 4445,
  "registry": "org.openqa.grid.internal.DefaultGridRegistry",
  "role": "hub",
  "servlets": [
  "slotCounts": {
    "free": 0,
    "total": 0
  "success": true,
  "throwOnCapabilityNotPresent": true,
  "timeout": 300000,
  "withoutServlets": [

Notice that the hub configuration includes the Selenium Foundation example page servlets. These are available at path /grid/admin/ExamplePageServlet to provide a target for basic functionality testing, but you can omit them from your configuration with the selenium.grid.examples property:

mvn exec:java -Dselenium.grid.examples=false

Selenium Settings

Because local-grid-parent is built on Selenium Foundation, all of the settings supported by this library are available for your grid configuration. The settings can be specified individually on the command line as demonstrated by the previous example, or you can specify them collectively in the corresponding settings files (e.g. - settings.properties). For details, check out the Configuring Project Settings page of the Selenium Foundation project.

Running the local-grid-parent Unit Tests

From command line...

The easiest way to run the unit tests is from the command line. From the root folder of each local-grid-parent node module (e.g. - local-espresso-node):

mvn test -DskipTests=false

When running the unit tests, be sure that you don't have a settings.properties file in your user "home" folder, as this will conflict with the settings provided with each node module project and may cause the tests to fail.

From Eclipse IDE...

If you wish to run the unit tests from within Eclipse, you'll need to create a run configuration for the desired test class or method that activates the JUnit Foundation java agent. On the Arguments tab:

VM arguments:

The value assigned to the javaagent argument above assumes that you've defined an M2_REPO environment variable that specifies the path to your Maven .m2 folder and that you have JUnit Foundation version 17.0.3 installed. This should be the case if you've built and installed the local-grid-parent project. The Java agent of JUnit Foundation creates an augmented version of JUnit 4 that provides the test lifecycle notifications that enable Selenium Foundation to manage the local Grid instance and driver sessions used by the tests themselves.

Note that the local-grid-parent Maven project defines the javaagent command line argument in the configuration for the Surefire plugin, which is why you don't need to specify this in any form when running from the command line.


The ports used by the node servers that supply browser sessions are auto-selected via the PortProber.findFreePort() method of the selenium-remote-driver library.

Specification of a browser profile implicitly adds the corresponding plugins option. If you launch a local grid with no specified profiles, the hub runs as a servlet container.

Unless disabled with the noRedirect option, local-grid-hub redirects the output of the hub and node servers to log files in a logs folder under the current working directory. Each log file contains the output from a single launch of its associated server. Log file names are auto-incremented to avoid overwriting or appending to the output of previous launches.

  • grid-hub*.log for hub server output
  • grid-node*.log for node server output

The default output folder can be overridden with the logsFolder option, specifying either absolute or relative path. If a relative path is specified, or the default ("logs") is accepted, logs are written to a sub-folder of the current working directory, which can be overridden with the workingDir option.

Written with StackEdit.

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Top 34.31% on Repo1.maven.org
Extracted from project README
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