

Technologies Used Java: Programming language used to write the test scripts. Selenium WebDriver: For interacting with the web elements on the PHP Travels signup page. TestNG: Test framework used for organizing and running the tests. Maven: Build tool used for managing dependencies and running the tests. Java Faker: For generating random test data like names, email addresses, and phone numbers. Allure: For generating detailed test reports. Page Object Model (POM): Design pattern used to structure the code and improve maintainability. Test Cases Positive Test Cases Register_With_Valid_Data: Tests successful registration with valid input data. Negative Test Cases Register_When_user_Leave_FirstNameField_Empty: Tests validation when the First Name field is left empty. Register_When_User_Enter_InvalidEmail: Tests validation when an invalid email format is entered. Register_When_User_Leave_CheckBox_Empty: Tests validation when the checkbox is not checked.