
📦 casino card game automation

MIT License


[!NOTE] It is expected that you cannot run this project without the api base url and its endpoints. The purpose of this project is to demonstrate that I've developed something for personal use and future reference. If you have any questions, feel free to contact me through one of my socials on my github profile.

— Sikuli GUI Automation —

Automation Test

Project Dependencies

  • Python
  • Selenium
  • Sikuli
  • Pyyaml
  • Requests
  • Faker
  • Pillow
  • Pyautogui


  • Baccarat All-in Bet


  1. Python 3 (Make sure python is added to your system PATH)
  2. Python Extension (VSCode)
  3. pip
  4. virtualenv

Setting up first run on your local machine

  1. Clone this project on your local machine

    git clone
  2. Open a terminal inside your local clone of the repository.

  3. Using python's virtualenv, create a virtual environment inside the project. Install:

    pip install virtualenv

    Create a virtual environment:

    virtualenv venv

    where venv is the name of the virtual environment you are creating. It is also recommended to use venv as the name of your virtual environment cause this is the recognized file exception on our .gitignore

  4. Activate the virtualenv you just created.

    • Windows CMD
    • Windows Git Bash
      source venv/scripts/activate
    • Windows Powershell
    • MacOS/Linux
      source venv/bin/activate
  5. Install the project dependencies.

     pip install -r requirements.txt

Thats it! You have setup your local environment to run test for this project.

Run the script by simply running this command

robot -d results tests/
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