
A CLI application to scrape a Trello board and plot resolved cards in a burndown chart.

MIT License


Trello Burndown Generator

A Python CLI tool to generate a burn down chart from a Trello board using selenium and matplotlib. Optionally a burn down chart can be created for an individual member of the board such as in the example below.

Go from this:

To this:


  1. Create a Kanban Trello board with a resolved and a sprint backlog bucket.
  2. Create a burner Trello account and invite them to your board (you can use your personal account, but it isn't recommended since this program may cause your account to be banned for botting, although this is yet to be confirmed)
  3. Clone this repository with the GUI above or with the following command:
git clone
  1. install the dependencies:
pip install -r requirements.txt
  1. Add a conf.json to the root dir. See example.conf.json for an example or the Configuration section for more information.
  2. Run the program:


The program can either be configured via a conf.json file in the root directory or via CLI arguments. The CLI arguments take precedence over the conf.json file. A detailed description of the configuration options can be found below.

Option CLI Argument Description Type Default Required
- --config or -c The path to the config file. (only available in CLI) string "conf.json" Only required if not using default config file path.
browser --browser or -b The browser to use for the selenium webdriver. "firefox" | "chrome" "chrome" ✔️
headless --headless or -h Whether to run the browser in headless mode. boolean true ✔️
refetch --refetch or -r Whether to refetch the data from Trello or use cached data. (will automatically refetch if cache does not exist) boolean false ✖️
email --email or -em The email of the burner Trello account. string - ✔️
password --password or -p The password of the burner Trello account. string - ✔️
board_url --board-url or -burl The URL of the Trello board to parse. string - ✔️
member --member or -m The name of the burner Trello account. string - ✖️
resolved_list_name --resolved-list-name or -rln The name of the resolved list. string - ✔️
sprint_bl_name --sprint-bl-name or -sbln The name of the sprint backlog list. string - ✔️
sprint_end_date --sprint-end-date or -sed The end date of the sprint. "<YYYY-MM-DD>" The day of execution i. e. today ✖️
sprint_duration --sprint-duration or -sd The duration of the sprint in days. int 14 ✖️


To develop this program, apart from the steps mentioned above, it is recommended to create a virtual environment and install the dependencies with pip install -r requirements.txt.

To create a virtual environment, run:

python -m venv <path to venv>

To activate the virtual environment, run:

<path to venv>/Scripts/activate.bat # on Windows


<path to venv>/bin/activate # on Linux

To deactivate the virtual environment, run:



See the LICENSE file.