
Shadowsocks -> socks5 on server. (Created for providing socks5 proxy for Telegram)



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This is a simple app like ss-local in Golang. It is designed for running on a server inside China mainland and connecting a server outside through shadowsocks, then you can simply set SOCKS5 proxy in your Chrome, Telegram etc. without running a client on your laptop or cell phones.

There is a python version of this app: shadowsocks-with-socks-auth, which is just a small modified version of original shadowsocks adding SOCKS5 auth support. This go version is more efficient and support multi-server balance.


  • SOCKS5 auth
  • multi-server for load balance


Way 1: Download binary from Releases. Golang environment is not required.

Way 2:

go get -u -v

Due to network issue in China mainland, in most situation, go get cannot be executed correctly.


inner-ss -c config.json
  • -c: configure file path(default: config.json)
  • -v: verbose mode

Configure file:

A json string like

  "listen": "",
  "port": 23333,
  "auth": false,
  "username": "ihc",
  "password": "iah",
  "servers": ["ss://RC4-MD5:pass1@ip1:port1", "ss://RC4-MD5:pass2@ip2:port2"],
  "maxfail": 3,
  "recovertime": 600,
  "starttimeout": 5,
  "remotetimeout": 60,
  "insidetimeout": 60,
  "whitelistenable": false,
  "whitelistdomains": [""],
  "whitelistips": ["::/0", ""]

The auth, username, password, maxfail, recovertime, remotetimeout, insidetimeout, starttimeout are optional whose default value are false, "", "", 10, 600, 60, 60, 8 .

Also, whitelistenable is false by default. If you want to limit proxy only to some range, you can use whitelistdomains and whitelistips .

IP should follow CIDR format such as ::/0 means all IPv6, means all IPv4. Domains will be matched by the suffix. Any domains has suffix matched in whitelistdomains can pass. For example, will match

If you set auth to true, you should provide username and password.

You should list your servers in order. If one of them cannot be connected for maxfail times, it will be marked as downed-server until recovertime seconds later. Please pay attention that you must ensure the password and encryption method is correct. Because we cannot distinguish users' malicious requests and the wrong password of shadowsocks servers, here we judge server status through if we can connect it.

remotetimeout is the timeout connecting remote servers, and insidetimeout is the one to clients. starttimeout is the timeout of the first communication. A short starttimeout can decrease the waiting time of the false packet, long remotetimeout and insidetimeout can allow long connection, for example to decrease the reconnecting of Telegram.

You can use systemd or supervisor to run the daemon. The example configure of supervisor is at the bottom.


这是一个类似 ss-local 的小程序,使用Golang编写。你可以在一台中国大陆的服务器上运行它,它可以使用 shadowsocks 协议与境外服务器通信,并打开一个 SOCKS5 代理提供给国内用户。此应用可以免掉运行 shadowsocks 客户端的麻烦,你可以直接在Chrome或者Telegram等应用内设置 SOCKS5 代理越过封锁。

shadowsocks-with-socks-auth 是一个python版 shadowsocks 的修改版,添加了 SOCKS5 用户认证功能。本应用比这个运行更高效,并且添加了保证高可用性的负载均衡功能。


  • SOCKS5用户认证支持
  • 多服务器负载均衡


方式1(推荐):在 Releases 中下载可执行文件并上传直接执行。不需要安装Go语言环境。


go get -u -v

在国内服务器上执行安装,由于网络原因 go get 大概率无法顺利执行。


inner-ss -c config.json
  • -c: 配置文件路径,默认为config.json
  • -v: 打印详细信息,默认关闭


  "listen": "",
  "port": 23333,
  "auth": false,
  "username": "ihc",
  "password": "iah",
  "servers": ["ss://RC4-MD5:pass1@ip1:port1", "ss://RC4-MD5:pass2@ip2:port2"],
  "maxfail": 3,
  "recovertime": 600,
  "starttimeout": 5,
  "remotetimeout": 60,
  "insidetimeout": 60,
  "whitelistenable": false,
  "whitelistdomains": [""],
  "whitelistips": ["::/0", ""]

auth, username, password , maxfail, recovertime, remotetimeout, insidetimeout, starttimeout 这些字段是可选的,默认值为 false, "", "", 10, 600, 60, 60, 8. authtrue表示开启SOCKS5认证功能,可以防止服务器被扫描器扫到并滥用,当开启认证功能时,需提供 usernamepassword

whitelistenable 默认关闭。如果需要限制访问特定服务器,你可以开启该功能,并填写 whitelistdomainswhitelistips

其中 IP 段填写格式为 CIDR 记法,如 表示所有 IPv6 段, 表示所有 IPv4段。域名为后缀匹配,若后缀符合 whitelistdomains 中任意条目则可以通过,如 会匹配

servers为 shadowsocks 服务器配置信息,请按照排好的顺序提供。如果一个服务器无法连接,当出错次数超过maxfail后会被标记为不可用,该标记会在recovertime秒后解除。请注意 shadowsocks 的服务器加密方式和密码必须保证正确。我们无法判断服务器不回应是因为用户的恶意请求还是密码错误,所以为了避免负载均衡功能被用来恶意禁用服务器,我们只采用能否连接服务器作为判断依据。

remotetimeout 为代理服务器超时时间,insidetimeout 为客户端超时时间,starttimeout 为客户端和服务端第一次通信超时时间。starttimeout 可以设置为较短时间以减少错误请求的等待时间,remotetimeoutinsidetimeout 设置较长时间可以允许较长连接,如减少Telegram的重连次数。

可以使用 systemdsupervisor 守护进程执行。文末附 supervisor 的配置文件样例。

Supervisor Configure File Example


directory = /opt/ss4tg
command = /opt/ss4tg/inner-ss
autostart = true
autorestart = true
startsecs = 5
startretries = 30
user = nobody

Then run sudo supervisorctl reload. You can add minfds=50000 in [supervisord] section of /etc/supervisor/supervisord.conf to increase the system limit of file descriptor.