

Arduino Uno and Rust Experiment - Controlled Blink

This is my Rust solution for the second experiment through Vilros Ultimate Starter Kit Guide. This uses the same circuit as Circuit #2 utilizing the potentiometer.



Building and Executing the Program

In order to run this project, you must be using Rust's Nightly version. This should automatically be recognized if you're using rustup due to rust-toolchain file. In addition you'll want a few avr third-party tools which you can look at the avr-rust book for how to install.

From there, you can run cargo build or cargo build --release. This will build out either a debug or release under your target/avr-atmega328p:


# or


Once successfully built, you can then flash (another way of saying upload) your program into the arduino uno using the addition file provided,

Make sure to make the file executable by chmod +x This will help set up the appropriate flags for using avrdude. You'll also want to check the file to set the appropriate SERIAL_PORT flag, for instance mine was /dev/tty.usbmodem144101.

To flash the arduino uno, make sure it is plugged in and then run the command:

# if you ran cargo build
./ target/avr-atmega328p/debug/arduino-controlled-blink.elf

# or if you ran cargo build --release
./ target/avr-atmega328p/release/arduino-controlled-blink.elf