
Personal Dotfiles




This is a collection of dotfiles for use with BSPWM or any other window manager that requires the use of a dzen panel. It is my personal configuration and includes all of the features I find necessary for a full WM experience. The collection also includes a small C program at bin/panel/scroller. This program takes a string input, a prefix, and a width and will output text that gives the appearance of scrolling. This is used for the music/mpd integration aspect of the panel where long song names will be scrolled instead of truncated.




  • bspwm
  • compton
  • dmenu (with xft and height patch)
  • dunst
  • feh
  • sxhkd
  • xbindkeys
  • xrandr (Set Primary Monitor)


  • acpi (Battery)
  • bc (Various Math)
  • Dejavu Sans Mono (Panel Font)
  • dnsutils (Network External IP)
  • dzen2 (Panel)
  • gcalcli (gCal in Calendar Notification)
  • iw (Network SSID)
  • lm_sensors (CPU Temp)
  • mpc (MPD Server Communication)
  • pamixer (Volume Notification)
  • trayer (Tray Icon Display)
  • xset (Caps Lock Notification)


  • amixer (Mic Mute)
  • txtw (To determine offset)
  • lxrandr (Projector/Display Keybind)


  • Mopidy or MPD (Music Server)
  • ncmpcpp (MPD Controller)

Other useful programs

  • CopyQ (Clipboard Manager)
  • seafile (Self Hosted Cloud Storage)
  • sxlock (Screen Locker)
  • urxvt (Terminal)
  • xautolock (Auto Suspend System)
  • xflux (Gamma Adjustment)



Assuming that all required programs are installed, the dotfiles can simply be moved to their respective locations followed by a restart of the X server. I use symlinks to keep my file system organized so that all of these files live within the folder .dotfiles in my home directory.

Required symlinks are as follows:

  • ln -s ~/.dotfiles/bin ~/.bin
  • ln -s ~/.dotfiles/bspwm ~/.config/bspwm
  • ln -s ~/.dotfiles/compton ~/.config/compton
  • ln -s ~/.dotfiles/dunst ~/.config/dunst
  • ln -s ~/.dotfiles/ncmpcpp/ ~/.ncmpcpp
  • ln -s ~/.dotfiles/Xresources ~/.Xresources
  • ln -s ~/.dotfiles/xbindkeysrc ~/.xbindkeysrc
  • ln -s ~/.dotfiles/xinitrc ~/.xinitrc

After the files are moved/symlinked please read the configuration section below

Suspend Service

The [email protected] should be moved to /etc/systemd/system/, renamed to [email protected] and enabled with systemctl enable [email protected] as root (replace user with the user you would like to enable the service for). The service relies on bin/ to create /tmp/DISPLAY.env to ensure that sxlock is able to find the required display.


If you are planning to use to start Mopidy in online or offline modes until plugin support improves, you will need to create your own configs for these states and move them to ~/.config/mopidy/mopidy_offline.conf and ~/.config/mopidy/mopidy_online.conf. I recommend using the same settings and disabling any plugins that connect to the Internet in the offline version of the config file.

GTK Themes

I use numix-themes-archblue from the AUR along with the Numix icon theme.



The panel can be configured from the variable file located at bin/panel/panel_settings where some settings, such as DUAL_BATT, may need to be changed to match your system configuration. The panel and notifications are based off of a screen resolution of 1920x1080. If you do not have a screen of this size panel_settings and all of the _not files will need to be modified to support alternate sizes.

Additional color configuration is available at bin/panel/panel_colors-dzen.


Keybinds can be modified in the xbindkeysrc and sxhkd/sxhkdrc files.


Feh uses any file located at ~/Pictures/Wallpaper/current.

Auto Suspend

The auto suspend settings can be modified at bin/

NOTE: The fullscreen setting only works for BSPWM


My xinitrc launches a few applications you may not use. Simply remove them from the list and add your own.