
Hosts file/block list of KEINOS for Pi-Hole and Blocky.

MIT License


Block List KEINOS

  • This repository provides two hosts files for DNS Sinkhole applications such as Pi-hole and Blocky. Helps block children and grandparents from accessing suspicious or malicious domains.
  • Este repositorio proporciona dos archivos de hosts para aplicaciones DNS Sinkhole como Pi-hole y Blocky. Ayuda a bloquear el acceso de niños y abuelos a dominios sospechosos o maliciosos.
  • このリポジトリは、Pi-holeBlocky などの DNS Sinkhole アプリケーションのための hosts ファイルを 2 つ提供しています。子供や祖父母が不審なドメインや悪意のあるドメインにアクセスするのをブロックするのに役立ちます。
  1. hosts.txt

    • License: MIT
    • update.json
      • This is our own block list. Domains are manually extracted from spam emails sent to domains configured as honeypots.
      • Esta es nuestra propia lista de bloqueo. Los dominios se extraen manualmente de los correos electrónicos de spam enviados a los dominios configurados como honeypots.
      • これは、私たち独自のブロックリストです。ドメインは、ハニーポットとして設定されたドメインに送信されてきたスパムメールから手動で抽出したものです。
  2. hosts_all-in-one.txt

    • License: Multilicense
    • 950,000+
      • This is a file that combines our hosts file with other curated hosts files. It aims to reduce the load of update requests to GitHub by combining several blocklists into one.
      • Este es un archivo que combina nuestro archivo de hosts con otros archivos de hosts curados. Su objetivo es reducir la carga de solicitudes de actualización a GitHub combinando varias listas de bloqueo en una sola.
      • これは、私たちの hosts ファイルと他のキュレーションされた hosts ファイルを結合したファイルです。複数のブロックリストをひとつにまとめることで、GitHub への更新リクエストの負荷を軽減することを目的としています。


  • This file is for people who "know what they are doing". All hosts/domains were researched by volunteers in their spare time and many may be missing. Use this file wisely and without total dependence on it.
  • Este archivo es para personas que "saben lo que están haciendo". Todos los hosts/dominios fueron investigados por voluntarios en su tiempo libre y puede que falten muchos. Utilize este archivo con prudencia y sin depender totalmente de él.
  • このファイルは、自分が「何をしているのか分かっている人」向けです。すべてのホスト/ドメインは、ボランティアが空き時間に調査したもので、多くが欠落している可能性があります。このファイルに全面的に依存することなく、賢明に使用してください

About curated host files

  • The hosts file "hosts_all-in-one.txt" is based on the hosts files maintained by the two best curators below. Please give them a star on GitHub!
  • El archivo de hosts "hosts_all-in-one.txt" se basa en los archivos de hosts mantenidos por los dos mejores conservadores que aparecen a continuación. ¡Dales una estrella en GitHub!
  • hosts ファイル hosts_all-in-one.txt は、以下の 2 人のベストキュレーターが管理する hosts ファイルに基づいています。GitHub スターで「いいね」してあげてください。
  1. The Big Blocklist Collection @ GitHub by WaLLy3K for
  2. StevenBlack/hosts @ GitHub

Licenses of unified hosts file

Licenses of the unified hosts file "hosts_all-in-one.txt" are as follows:

Host file source Home page Raw hosts License Issues Description
Steven Black's ad-hoc list link raw MIT issues Additional sketch domains as I come across them.
AdAway link raw CC BY 3.0 issues AdAway is an open source ad blocker for Android using the hosts file.
add.2o7Net link raw MIT issues 2o7Net tracking sites based on content.
add.Dead link raw MIT issues Dead sites based on content.
add.Risk link raw MIT issues Risk content sites based on content.
add.Spam link raw MIT issues Spam sites based on content.
Adguard-dns link raw GPL-3.0 license issues Advertising lists of AdGuard DNS Filter parsed and mirrored by from
DandelionSprout adfilt link raw Dandelicence 1.4 issues DandelionSprout's Anti-Malware List. This list must not used with Manifest v3 services. Such as browser extensions.
anudeepND link raw MIT issues Trackers and advertisements curated and mantained by Anudeep ND
AssoEchap link raw CC-BY-SA issues List of network indicators of stalkerware and watchware detected by the IoC. Maintained by Julien Voisin, and Tek for the non-profit organisation Echap.
Mitchell Krog's - Badd Boyz Hosts link raw MIT issues Sketchy domains and Bad Referrers from my Nginx and Apache Bad Bot and Spam Referrer Blockers
CoinBlockerLists link raw AGPL issues List of browser mining domains against Cryptojacking. Maintained by ZeroDot1.
Easylist link raw GNU GPL v3 and CC BY-SA 3.0 issues Parsed and mirrored by from The EasyList authors (
Easyprivacy link raw GNU GPL v3 and CC BY-SA 3.0 issues parsed and mirrored by from
ethanr DNS Blacklists link raw The BSD 3-Clause License issues DNS servers for cached entries of malware related domains by Ben Jackson and Mayhemic Labs
eulaurarien link raw MIT issues Geoffrey Frogeye's block list of first-party trackers
hostsVN link raw MIT issues Hosts block ads of Vietnamese
KADhosts link raw CC BY-SA 4.0 issues Fraud/adware/scam websites.
LanikSJ Admiral link raw MIT issues Admiral, parsed and mirrored by from
minecraft-hosts link raw CC0-1.0 issues Minecraft related tracker hosts
MVPS hosts file link raw CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 issues The purpose of this site is to provide the user with a high quality custom HOSTS file.
NoTrack link raw GNU GPL v3 issues Curated blocklist of Tracking, Advertising, and Malware domains.
DigitalSide Threat-Intel link raw MIT issues Set of Open Source Cyber Threat Intelligence information, mostly based on malware analysis and compromised URLs, IPs and domains. (by
Phishing Army link raw CC BY-NC 4.0 International issues The Blocklist to filter Phishing
Prigent-Ads link raw CC BY-SA 4.0 issues parsed and mirrored by from
Prigent-Crypto link raw CC BY-SA 4.0 issues parsed and mirrored by from
RPiList-Malware link raw CC BY-NC 4.0 International issues parsed and mirrored by from
RPiList-Phishing link raw CC BY-NC 4.0 International issues parsed and mirrored by from link raw GPLv3 [issues](support [at] Simple ad filter list by brought to you by link raw GPLv3 [issues](support [at] Simple malicious list by brought to you by
Dan Pollock – someonewhocares link raw non-commercial with attribution issues How to make the internet not suck (as much).
Spam404 link raw 2021 Spam404, CC BY-SA 4.0 issues blacklist by
Tiuxo hostlist - ads link raw CC BY 4.0 issues Categorized hosts files for DNS based content blocking
UncheckyAds link raw MIT issues Windows installers ads sources sites based on content.
URLHaus link raw CC0 issues A project from with the goal of sharing malicious URLs.
WaLLy3K link raw CC BY 4.0 issues Suspicious Lists by WaLLy3K
WindowsSpyBlocker link raw MIT issues Block spying and tracking on Windows by crazy-max link raw issues Blocking with ad server and tracking server hostnames.
Fake News link raw MIT issues An in-progress collection of fake news outlets.
BigDargon's gambling domain blocking hosts file link raw MIT issues Extension from the project hostsVN
Sinfonietta's gambling blocking hosts file link raw MIT issues A collection of category-specific host files.
BigDargon's adult domain blocking hosts file link raw MIT issues Extension from the project hostsVN
brijrajparmar27 - pornography link raw CC BY 4.0 issues hosts files for DNS based content blocking
pornhosts -- a consolidated anti porn hosts file link raw MIT issues This is an endeavour to find all porn domains and compile them into a single hosts to allow for easy blocking of porn on your local machine or on a network.
Sinfonietta's porn blocking hosts file link raw MIT issues A collection of category-specific host files.
Sinfonietta's snuff-site blocking hosts file link raw MIT issues A collection of category-specific host files.
Tiuxo hostlist - pornography link raw CC BY 4.0 issues Categorized hosts files for DNS based content blocking
Sinfonietta's social media blocking hosts file link raw MIT issues A collection of category-specific host files.


  • Branch: main
  • Feel free to PR or issues in 日本語 or Español instead of English.