
My configurations


Dependencies and other details


  • Launch picom, volnoti, nm-applet, fcitx, xfce4-notifyd and some desktop applications in .local/wm/on_i3_startup script.
  • Screenshots are handled using scrot.
  • feh is used to set the background.
  • rofi is used as an application launcher (and other usages such as shutdown menu)
  • playerctl is used to add media player control abilities.
  • parcellite as clipboard manager.
  • pcmanfm as file manager (don't forget gvfs for trash management)
  • polkit-gnome and gnome-keyring for keyring.

TODO: i3status-rust


  • perl
  • mpstat (from sysstat packet) for CPU usage
  • i2c-tools for temperature
  • acpi for battery level
  • pulseaudio for volume
  • light is used to manage screen light on laptop

Fonts: ttf-fira-mono and ttf-font-awesome

openSUSE: refresh repos on startup with systemd

For i3blocks updates blocklet to work, repos need to be refreshed at some point.

Write the following to /etc/systemd/system/zypper-refresh.service

Description=Refresh zypper repos at startup

ExecStart=zypper refresh


Then reload systemd by running systemctl daemon-reload and enable the new service with systemctl enable zypper-refresh.service




I'm using oh-my-zsh to facilitate customization. Please install it before using stow. Follow these instructions for zsh-syntax-highlighting plugin.

This config uses starship cross-shell prompt.

For emojis support in starship prompt, follow this guide. tl;dr: just download Google Noto Color Emoji and EmojiOne Android, drop them to ~/.local/share/fonts/ and run fc-cache -v -f. Terminal should be restarted.


Dependencies: - gnome-keyring


  • To send notifications, there is notify-send.
  • To see symbolic key name there is the program xev (xorg-xev).
  • stow is a good software to manage dotfiles (stow -t ~ -S FOLDER_NAME to symlink content of FOLDER_NAME into home)


  • rofi - application launcher (and other usages such as shutdown menu)
  • playerctl - add media player control abilities
  • pcmanfm - as graphical filemanager
  • nnn - (n³) as terminal filemanager
  • feh - for background management
  • network-manager-applet - for network connection (executable name: nm-applet)
  • lxappearance - to configure GTK applications
  • xfce4-notifyd - for notifications management (/usr/lib/xfce4/notifyd/xfce4-notifyd to run)
  • rofi - as application launcher and focus switch (rofi -show run, to launch application)
  • pavucontrol - to manage audio stuff.
  • seahorse - to manage keyring.
  • file-roller - as archive manager.
  • calcurse - curse calendar
  • sxiv - Simple X Image Viewer
  • foliate - A simple and modern eBook viewer for Linux desktops


  • ripgrep - grep replacement
  • alacritty - as terminal emulator
  • exa - ls replacement
  • rg - grep replacement
  • bat - cat replacement (with synthax highlighting)
  • fd - find replacement
  • hexyl - as a cat-like colored hex viewer
  • xxv - interactive hex viewer
  • zoxide - A faster way to navigate your filesystem (similar to autojump)
  • zellij - A terminal workspace with batteries included (replaces tmux and screen)
  • procs - ps replacement
  • sd - sed alternative with simpler syntax (tr on steroids)
  • dust - A more intuitive version of du in rust
  • tokei - Count your code, quickly
  • hyperfine - A command-line benchmarking tool
  • bottom - top alternative
  • tealdeer - tldr implementation
  • bandwhich - Terminal bandwidth utilization tool, display current network utilization by process, connection, remote IP, hostname…
  • grex - A command-line tool and library for generating regular expressions from user-provided test cases
  • nushell - A new type of shell (pipeline-based, similar to PowerShell)
  • ddh / fclones - Fast duplicate file finder
  • eva - a calculator REPL, similar to bc(1)
  • delta - A viewer for git and diff output
  • diskonaut - Terminal disk space navigator
  • rusty-man - Command-line viewer for rustdoc documentation
  • broot - Get an overview of a directory, even a big one (better than tree)
  • gitui - Blazing fast terminal-ui for git
  • git absorb - git commit --fixup, but automatic
  • mdcat - cat for markdown
  • shotgun - Minimal X screenshot utility
  • terminal-typeracer - An open source terminal based version of Typeracer written in rust.
  • oha - HTTP load generator, inspired by rakyll/hey with tui animation.
  • kmon - Linux Kernel Manager and Activity Monitor
  • battop - Interactive batteries viewer
  • csview - A high performance csv viewer with cjk/emoji support.
  • pipe-rename - Rename your files using your favorite text editor
  • git-trim - Automatically trims your branches whose tracking remote refs are merged or stray
  • cargo sweep - A cargo subcommand for cleaning up unused build files generated by Cargo Resources
  • cargo wipe - Cargo subcommand that recursively finds and optionally wipes all "target" or "node_modules" folders that are found in the current path.
  • lfs - A thing to get information on your mounted disks

To consider

openSUSE: codecs quickstart

sudo zypper install opi && opi codecs

Good japanese font

sudo zypper install adobe-sourcehansans-jp-fonts