
Dockerized World of Warcraft WOTLK server based on cMANGOS

APACHE-2.0 License


Mangos Docker

Extract map files from client

docker run --rm -it -v $(pwd):/output cbrgm/cmangos-extractor:latest

Copy compiled files from /bin to your client directory and run ./ExtractMaps.

Run Container

Mount maps, mmaps, vmaps, dbc and Cameras folders into the container by running the container command below from the directory where your folders are located.

docker run -itd \
    -e MYSQL_HOST= \
    -e MYSQL_PORT=3306 \
    -e MYSQL_USER=root \
    -e MYSQL_PWD=mangos \
    -e MYSQL_MANGOS_USER=mangos \
    -e MYSQL_MANGOS_PWD=mangos \
    -e MANGOS_REALM_NAME=testrealm \
    -e MANGOS_GM_ACCOUNT=admin
    -e MANGOS_GM_PWD=changeme
    -v $(pwd)/maps:/opt/mangos/maps \
    -v $(pwd)/vmaps:/opt/mangos/vmaps \
    -v $(pwd)/mmaps:/opt/mangos/mmaps \
    -v $(pwd)/dbc:/opt/mangos/dbc \
    -p 3724:3724 \
    -p 8085:8085 \

or build your own:

docker build -t "cmangos:wotlk" ./mangos

Manage accounts

To create a new account

INSERT INTO `account` (`username`,`sha_pass_hash`,`expansion`) VALUES ('username', SHA1(CONCAT(UPPER('username'),':',UPPER('password'))),2);

To change a username

UPDATE `account` SET `username` = 'new_username', `sha_pass_hash` = SHA1(CONCAT(UPPER('new_username'),':',UPPER('passwordxyz'))) WHERE `id` = x;

To change an account password

UPDATE `account` SET `sha_pass_hash` = SHA1(CONCAT(UPPER(`username`),':',UPPER('passwordxyz'))) WHERE `id` = x;

Environment vars:

  • MYSQL_HOST: MySQL database host ip/dns name
  • MYSQL_PORT: MySQL database port
  • MYSQL_USER: MySQL database user
  • MYSQL_PWD: MySQL database password
  • MYSQL_MANGOS_USER: MySQL database user used for connections from server (Default: mangos)
  • MYSQL_MANGOS_PWD: MySQL database user password used for connections from server (Default: mangos)
  • MANGOS_GM_ACCOUNT: Gamemaster account name (Default: admin)
  • MANGOS_GM_PWD: Gamemaster account password (Default: changeme)
  • MANGOS_GAMETYPE: Realm Gametype (Default: 1 (PVP))
  • MANGOS_MOTD: Message of the Day (Default: "Welcome!")
  • MANGOS_REALM_NAME: Name of your realm (Default: MyNewServer)
  • MANGOS_SERVER_IP: IP for mangosd and realmd port binding (Default
  • MANGOS_SERVER_PUBLIC_IP: Public IP for your mangos server (Default
  • MANGOS_OVERRIDE_CONF_URL: External mangosd.conf download
  • MANGOS_ALLOW_PLAYERBOTS: Allow PlayerbotAI commands (Default: 0)
  • MANGOS_ALLOW_AUCTIONBOT_SELLER: Allow AuctionHouseBot seller (Default: 0)
  • MANGOS_ALLOW_AUCTIONBOT_BUYER: Allow AuctionHouseBot buyer (Default: 0)


  • Allow external config download via wget
  • Replace debian9 image with alpine
  • Create kubernetes deployment
  • Create terraform config for hetzner cloud