
APACHE-2.0 License


Live Streamer Command Line Utility

This bash script helps live streamers communicate the current state of their stream quickly from the Linux command line by creating and changing a number of streaming modes which are stored in a simple configuration file. Streamers can also optionally post a corresponding Twitch chat message, GitHub status, and/or Twitter update. This script can also be used to post markers in the current live stream to help with video editing later, lookup user information, ban and timeout users, list the top channels in a given category, and more.

Each mode has the following properties which can be easily set and get using the config commands:

  • Name
  • Emoji
  • Default Status
  • Current Status
  • Category
  • Tags

Each is added using either the config.set or config.edit commands. The set command sets it directly from the command line. The edit command opens the configuration values file using your configured default $EDITOR.

Name is a memorable name uniquely identifying the mode. Names may contain dots (.) to separate modes into submodes easily (playing.dota2, playing.witcher3, out.cycling, out.watching.birds, This makes for quick and organized tab completion later.


Just put the script someplace in your PATH and add completion to your ~/.bashrc or other file:

complete -C live live

This script manages completion with -C instead of depending on a separate script or requiring wasteful sourcing of completion code in your bashrc file.

This script was once called iam instead of live (alias iam=live if needed).



  • Bash 4+
  • jq - JSON Parsing
  • twitch - Official Twitch Command Line Utility


  • gh - GitHub Status Updates
  • twurl - Twitter Posts
  • pandoc - Rich Help Docs


This script is expected to be installed for a specific user and only ever run by that user. No additional security vetting for running as an untrusted user has been done.


Copyright 2021 Rob Muhlestein [email protected] Released under Apache-2.0 License Please mention for attribution

The about Command

live about

Prints Markdown output suitable for pasting into an About text pane. Also sends to xclip if it is detected on the system.

The category Command

live category [NEW]

Print or change the current mode category (which is still game_id internally in the Twitch API). Prints both the category ID number and the long written form separated by a space. Note that changing the category requires the number only and does not immediately update the current category on Twitch, only the local entry in the configuration data. Consider adding popularly used categories to the local configuration. See list.categories and

The Command


Change the current mode category (which is still game_id internally in the Twitch API) by selecting from a menu containing all categories loaded into the local configuration cache values file (see config path for more). Note that this does not update the current category on Twitch, only the local entry in the configuration data. See list.categories and category.

The config Command

live config
live config KEY
live config.set KEY VALUE
live config.set KEY ""
live config.keys
live config.values
live config.path [file]
live config.edit [file]
live config.delete
live config.write
live config.dump

The config command is for reading, writing, and displaying standard open desktop configuration properties.


With no arguments calls dump and outputs all the currently cached configuration settings.

With a single KEY argument fetches the value for that key and outputs it unless it is one of the following special (reserved) key names:

  • directory full path to config directory
  • path full path to specific config file (default: values)
  • edit opens config file in editor (default: editor or `$EDITOR)
  • keys output the configuration keys, one per line
  • values output the configuration values, one per line
  • delete if key argument then delete a specific key, otherwise prompt
  • read reads the configuration file into CONF associative array
  • write write the CONF associative array to the configuration file
  • dump write the flattened CONF associative array to standard output

With more than one argument the remaining arguments after the KEY will be combined into the VALUE and written to a values file in the configuration directory.

Configuration Directory

The configuration directory path relies on the following environment variables:

  • EXE - defaults to name of currently running command (live)
  • HOME - checked for $HOME/.config/$EXE/values
  • XDG_CONFIG_HOME - overrides $HOME/.config
  • CONFIG_DIR - full path to directory containing values file

The CONFIG_DIR always takes priority over anything else if set, but is never implied. If the directory does not exist it will be created the first time a value is set.

Configuration values File Format

The file (which is almost always located at ~/.config/live/values) uses the simplest possible format to facilitate standard UNIX parsing and filtering with any number of existing tools (and no jq dependency).

  • One KEY=VALUE per line
  • KEYs may be anything but the equal sign (=)
  • VALUEs may be anything but line returns must be escaped

Note that, although similar, this is not the same as Java properties and other similar format. It is designed for ultimate simplicity, efficiency, and portability.

The create Command

live create MODE

Create a new mode with interactive prompt. Note that modes can also be created directly by simply adding the lines to the live config path values file.

The delete Command

live delete MODE

Delete all data for a specific. WARNING: Does not ask for confirmation.

The description Command

live description [NEW]

Print or change the current mode description.

The emoji Command

live emoji [NEW]

Print or change the current mode emoji.

The emojis Command

live list.emojis
live emojis

List emojis from all modes. See emoji.

The help Command

live help [COMMAND]

Displays specific help information. If no argument is passed displays general help information (main). Otherwise, the documentation for the specific argument keyword is displayed, which usually corresponds to a COMMAND name (but not necessarily). All documentation is written in GitHub Flavored Markdown and will displayed as a web page if pandoc and $HELP_BROWSER are detected, otherwise, just the Markdown is sent to $PAGER (default: more).

Also see readme and usage commands.

The list.categories Command

live list.categories

List available categories.

The list.emojis Command

live list.emojis
live emojis

List emojis from all modes. See emoji.

The list.modes Command

live list.modes
live modes

List available modes.

The list.tags Command

live list.tags

List available tags. Note that tags (without list) is an entirely different command. To add tags to the local configuration cache edit the configuration file directly with config edit each tag should be in the format of the following example:


Note that there cannot be any whitespace anywhere in the line.

The list.titles Command

live list.titles
live titles

List all titles in alphabetical order by mode name.

The list.titles.modes Command

live list.titles.modes

Same as list.titles but also show the mode name.

The mode Command

live mode [NEW]

Print the current mode name (from local cache) or set to a new one and update it on Twitch as well. Note that this does not fetch the current remote Twitch status so it is possible that if Twitch stream info and tags have been set some other way that the local cache will be out of sync. A quick check of the current title should help identify when this happens, but it is inconsequential since usually a new mode is wanted anyway.

The modes Command

live list.modes
live modes

List available modes.

Generate File

live readme >

The readme command will output the embedded help documentation in raw GitHub Flavored Markdown suitable for use as a file on GitHub or similar hosting service.

The status Command

live status [NEW]

Print or change the current status. Note this does not change the status.default. To remove and return to status.default use status.clear.

The status.clear Command

live status.clear

Clears the current status (effectively switching back to status.default) .

The status.default Command

live status.default [NEW]

Print or change the current mode status default. (See status also.)

The tag Command

live tag (UUID|NAME)

Lookup a tag in the local configuration cache by UUID or short name (NAME). See list.tags for how tags are added to the cache.

The tags Command

live tags [NEW]

Print or change the current Twitch tags list. Twitch limits tags to five total. Tags with their Twitch unique identifiers must first be added before they will work. See list.tags.

The title Command

live title [MODE]

Print the current emoji and status suitable for setting twitch.title. The current status is used if MODE is not passed. This is default command when no arguments are passed.

The titles Command

live list.titles
live titles

List all titles in alphabetical order by mode name.

The twitch.category Command

live twitch.category [NEW]

Set or get the remote Twitch category (game_id) for the current The special SAME category will skip any attempt to update the current Twitch category. This is useful for break modes and such.

The Command

live channel

Print the Twitch API channel JSON data for the current

The twitch.title Command

live twitch.title [NEW]

Set or get the remote Twitch title for the current

The twitch.user Command

live twitch.user [NAME]

Fetch and print summary for a give Twitch user by name. If no name is provided, will display summary for the current

The usage Command

live usage

Display all possible commands. Note that this is usually easier by simply using tab completion instead.

Autogenerated Mon Jan 3 09:31:38 AM EST 2022