
📚🍳Recipes and best practices for awesome digital teams

MIT License


Cookbook Build status

📚🍳 Recipes and best practices for awesome digital teams

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What is this

This repository contains all of the recipes, guidelines, templates, documentation you can reuse to cook a delicious digital project. Think of it as a reference of practices to use when working as a team; a starting point to define your own team’s practices.

This cookbook is about helping teams succeed first and foremost, projects being successful is only a consequence. It defines where we want to be, not necessarily where we always are. It is meant to apply to all teams, and all team members – we are knowledge workers first and foremost, our most important role is to successfully think, organise, and share knowledge. Code, designs, plans are only specific artifacts.



Contributions are always welcome! Please read the contribution guidelines first.


Clone the project on your computer, and install Node. This project also uses nvm.

# Use the correct Node version.
nvm install
# Then, install all project dependencies.
npm install

Working on the project

Everything mentioned in the installation process should already be done.

# Make sure you use the right node version.
nvm use
# Lint all of the files in the project.
npm run lint
# Re-formats all of the files in the project (with Prettier).
npm run format
# View other available commands with:
npm run


To the extent possible under law, Thibaud Colas has waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to this work.