
Just a starter project to start coding in C++

MIT License


C++ Starter Project

This project template, is, nothing but just a template and must used wisely. By no means you must stick to the project structure, you are FREE to do design how the project should be structured.

How to start?

Just fork this repository. I reccomend then spend a few minutes inspecting all the files to see what's in there, and then remove all the C++ modules/examples/tests and start from scratch.

You should always remove this README.md and start working on your own.

Project Structure

 cmake         # Build configurations, like clang-tidy, clang-format, etc.
 docker        # A handy docker container has been already generated.
 include       # The final project include directory, to be exported.
 scripts       # Some script used by the CI/CD, you should check them.
 src           # Source directory.
  apps      # Here you could place your application(stuff with main() ).
  lib       # Here you can put the library sources.
 tests         # Here you MUST implement tests to test your code.


The build system provides 3 handy targets to help you develop your final project

  • make clang-format will check the style of your code. NOTE: You can
    adapt the .clang-format file to fit your needs.
  • make clang-tidy will run clang-tidy on your project. NOTE: You can
    adapt the .clang-tidy file to fit your needs.
  • make test-coverage will report how much do you cover from your project in
    the tests. This will generate an HTML report you could open on any modern
    browser and see what are you missing to cover: xdg-open build/coverage/index.html

CI/CD (based on Gitlab CI/CD)

The CI/CD is your friend, you get to change/add/disable any functionality, you are FREE to design your final project. I just place in this template what would be the bare-minimum to start working with. Make sure you allow some time to play around in the pipelines tab and inspect each stage of the pipeline.

Changes to the CI/CD are done through the .gitlab-ci.yml configuration file.


There is docker image provided by this template, you are also free to change it/adapt it to your needs. All the information about this docker image is in the Dockerfile script. In your repository in the packages tab there are instructions on how to build/deploy new versions of the image. Make sure you update the .gitlab-ci.yml with the new docker image if you plan to change it.


Go wild! This is YOUR project, you can do whatever pleases you :) Spend as much time as you like on each module, improve others, change the CI/CD, disable/enable functionality, use the Wiki, do everything, go wild!!!

Good luck!