
Docker Image for awstats an Open Source log analyzer and (web) statistics package

MIT License



All-in-one Awstats Docker Image for scheduled log-processing on multiple domains with minimal config, accessible via built-in webpage. Find built Docker Images on Docker Hub. NB some links below refer to relative files on GitHub, read full/latest README here.


  • multiple awstats configs, i.e. (web)sites
  • configure sites with an .env file with a few variables or with a complete awstats conf files
  • single script that updates stats for all configured sites
  • internally runs scheduled awstats (via cron) within the Docker container
  • GeoIP applied (i.e. see countries etc of visitors)
  • self-hosted via embedded Apache2 HTTP server
  • landing HTML page for all configured sites
  • configurable subpath (prefix) for running behind reverse proxy
  • easy run with docker-compose
  • run user-defined scripts once before startup (
  • run user-defined scripts before each scheduled awstats run (, e.g. for log file sync

The aim was to make this image as self-contained as possible with minimal host-dependencies.


This Docker setup is based on work from:

That image runs with Alpine Linux. Due to some of the more advanced features I used, like GeoIP, bash-scripts, it became too complex (at least for me!) to use Alpine Linux and extend that good work. Also I wanted to reduce host-dependency, e.g. needing cron from host. Also for deploy in e.g. Kubernetes.

I would be happy if someone manages to migrate justb4/awstats to Alpine, preferably extending !


See the test directory for a complete example.

Basically justb4/awstats needs to find files within the following (internal) dirs:

  • under /etc/awstats/sites/ per-site file configs, either .env (vars) or complete awstats conf files
  • under /var/local/log the log files, although you can determine log-locations/filenames in your .env or .conf file

As awstats keeps its data onder /var/lib/awstats you will need to make that dir persistent over restarts, as a Docker Volume either mapped from a local dir on you host or an explicit Docker Volume.

Awstats Documentation


The intention is to have this Docker image as self-contained as possible in order to avoid host-bound/specific actions and tooling, in particular log processing via host-based cron, we may even apply logrotate later. Also allow for multiple domains with minimal config.

Further design choices:

  • schedule awstats processing (via cron)
  • allow for multiple domains
  • generate a landing HTML page with links to stats of all domains
  • allow for minimal config within an .env file (expand with envsubst into template .conf)
  • allow full Awstats .conf file as well
  • have GeoIP reverse IP lookup, enabled (may need more advanced/detailed upgrade to...)
  • configurable subpath (prefix) for running behind reverse proxy via AWSTATS_PATH_PREFIX= env var
  • make it easy run with docker-compose

A debian-slim Docker Image ((buster version) is used as base image. (I'd love to use Alpine, but it became too complicated with the above features, input welcome!). The entry program is supervisord that will run a setup program once, apache2 webserver daemon (for the landing page and logstats), and cron for Awstats processing.


User-defined Scripts

User-defined Shell/Bash scripts can be added in the directories /aw-setup.d and/or /aw-update.d by extending the Docker Image or easier via Docker Volume Mounting.

Purpose is to provide hooks for preprocessing. For example, a script that fetches/syncs a logfile from a remote server just before runs. This ensures the data is available.

Analyze old log files

Awstats only processes lines in log files that are newer than the newest already known line. This means you cannot analyze older log files later. Start with oldest ones first. You may need to delete already processed data by rm /var/lib/awstats/*

Example sketch of bash-script to process old Apache2 logfiles partly gzipped:

# Run the app
# Example gzipped log files from up to

# Loop backwards 60,59,...2.
for i in $(seq $END -1 2)
  echo "i=${i} logFile=${logFile}"
  docker exec -it awstats gunzip ${logFile}.gz
  docker exec -it awstats awstats -update -LogFile="${logFile}"
  docker exec -it awstats gzip ${logFile}

# Non-zipped remaining files
docker exec -it awstats awstats -update -LogFile="${LOGDIR}/${LOGNAME}.1"
docker exec -it awstats awstats -update -LogFile="${LOGDIR}/${LOGNAME}"