docker-healthchecks as a Docker service

11 Docker service


Example files available in their respective locations with the .example extension.

filename purpose notes
hc/app/config/ settings for the application cf.
nginx/config/hc.conf nginx configuration file must be named hc.conf, will be mounted at /etc/nginx/conf.d/ in the nginx container
{hc,db}/{hc,db}.env env variables for the app and database containers cf. *.env.example


name | purpose | notes static_files | contains Django's generated static files | used to share it db | contains postgres' data | best backed up using postgres tools to ensure consistency rather than backing up the volume

env variables

The service is configured with environment varialbes via .env files. The *.env.example files can be used as templates, the filenames match the services' names in docker-compose.yml

file name purpose notes
db/db.env POSTGRESS_DB database name to be created when first starting the db container
db/db.env POSTGRES_PASSWORD password for the postgres database
hc/hc.env SU_EMAIL superuser email address first user created when launching the app
hc/hc.env SU_PASSWORD superuser password
hc/hc.env SU_USERNAME superuser name
hc/hc.env PG_PASSWORD postgresql password


docker-compose up and then access via http://localhost:6863/admin. Use the superuser's credential defined in hc.env.

For a more advanced deployment (https, restore the latest backup), see these Ansible roles: coaxial.docker-proxy and coaxial.healthchecks.


The backups service will dump the database and back it up to a borg repository.

It requires a valid borgmatic config file (cf. config.example.yaml) and valid ssh keys in backups/ssh. If backing up to a remote borg repo, the remote host's key needs to be added into backups/ssh/know_hosts. To get the host's key, run ssh-keyscan host.

Security considerations

The app will be served over http, but it is very much recommended to use https. This can be achieved with a nginx proxy and lets encrypt (cf. Usage).