
Git repository for the zephinzer/alpine-node Docker image

MIT License


Alpine:Node Docker Image

An open-sourced, minimal, tested, extensible, customisable and self-updating Node image.

This image is a base image with Alpine Linux, Node and Yarn that has been designed for open-source with options to migrate over to a closed-source internal environment.

TL;DR : Use It

Use this in a Dockerfile (with __TAG_ID__ set to a Tag as listed on Docker Hub)

FROM zephinzer/alpine-node:__TAG_ID__
COPY . /app

Or use this in a Docker-Compose (with __TAG_ID__ set to a Tag as listed on Docker Hub)

version: "3"
    image: zephinzer/alpine-node:__TAG_ID__
    working_dir: /app
    entrypoint: "yarn --version"
      - ./:/app

To customise a build, see the Customising the Build section in Usage for information.

Relevant Links

The Docker Hub page can be found at:

The Travis pipeline can be found at:

The example project for internal usage can be found at:

The Travis pipeline for internal usage can be found at:

Guiding Principles

Yet another alpine-node repository? Of course not. Here's what's different.

Open Sourced

This image is designed to be open-sourced, for close-sourced usage in internal repositories.


This image is designed to be minimal, and this is accomplished through using Linux Alpine and building our own Node with custom parameters. Yarn is also installed because it reduces eventual container size.

Why minimal? Small sizes allow for easy logsitics during deployment and lean images reduce the risk of vulnerabilities.


This image is tested and proven to work with documented builds. See the ./test directory to see the types of projects this base image can work with. Each sub-directory in ./test includes a .Dockerfile which you can use as a template to pull from the desired tag, and a .extra-apk-dependencies which indicate what additional packages need to be installed for the build. The package.json specifies packages which will be included in the build, so if your desired package is there, it will work when you use this base image! See Application Layer Frameworks/Libraries for a listing of NPM dependencies that will work with this image.


Unlike other images, this image was designed so that you could run apk add [EXTRA_APK_DEPENDENCIES] from your own Dockerfile should things fail to build/run because of missing base dependencies. This image was also designed to be a base image for multiple other application images which we use internally, and will be updated and maintained to extend while maintaining backward compatibitlity.


Being designed for open-source for close-sourced usage, this image includes lots of templating which can be configured according to your needs. This is achieved through the ./conf.d folder where you can specify the following variables as filenames with their values being the file's content to use when building this image from it's Dockerfile:

  • DOCKER_REGISTRY_URL: (defaults to
  • REPOSITORY_NAME: (defaults to zephinzer/alpine-node)
  • BASE_IMAGE_SOURCE: (defaults to iron/base)
  • BASE_IMAGE_TAG: (defaults to 3.4)
  • YARN_VERSION: (defaults to latest)
  • ARGON_VERSION: (defaults to latest-4.x)
  • BORON_VERSION: (defaults to latest-6.x)
  • CARBON_VERSION: (defaults to latest-8.x)

See the Customising the Build section in Usage for information on how to customise a build.


Other images require constant maintenance. We didn't want this repository to depend on us for updates, so we implemented methods to grab the latest versions of Node and Yarn to include in our daily build. See our build scripts in the ./scripts for details. We currently grab the latest:

  • Node Argon (4.x)
  • Node Boron (6.x)
  • Node Carbon (8.x)
  • Yarn

So... What's Supported


This Docker image supports only the LTS versions and the latest version. This means only argon, boron and carbon are supported as of now. This will be updated as future versions of Node are released.


This Docker image installs the latest Yarn version at build time. We recommended the usage of Yarn based on the experiment documented here:

Application Layer Frameworks/Libraries

This image also runs tests on the Docker image to make sure that dependencies can be successfully installed. The following are project types with tests you can find in the ./test folder.

The tests DO NOT GUARANTEE that application-level logic/build works. We however DO GUARANTEE that the dependencies specified in the accompanying ./test/<TEST_CASE_ID>/package.json can be installed with the Dockerfile RUN step in ./test/<TEST_CASE_ID>/.Dockerfile with the extra required dependencies specified in ./test/<TEST_CASE_ID>/.extra-apk-dependencies.

Node [Development]

React [Development]

Tests are found in ./test/react-development. If you wish to add on to this list, please fork this repo, add the packages you need tested and submit a merge request.


Choosing the Tag

Everytime we publish a new image tag, we include 3 versions:

  • latest-NODE_CODENAME

The highest available version is also published with latest.

The NODE_VERSION and latest-NODE_CODENAME tags will always contain the latest Yarn as it is overwritten as new Node/Yarn versions come out.

Should you need control over the Node and Yarn version, use the node-NODE_VERSION_yarn-YARN_VERSION tag type as that will ensure the version of both Node and Yarn.

As a Base Image via Dockerfile

FROM zephinzer/alpine-node:__TAG_ID__
# install system dependencies required for build and remove cached stuff
RUN mkdir -p /var/cache/apk && \
    apk update && \
    apk upgrade && \
    apk add --no-cache ${EXTRA_APK_DEPENDENCIES} && \
    yarn install && \
    yarn cache clean && \
    apk del ${EXTRA_APK_DEPENDENCIES} && \
    rm -rf /var/cache/apk/*
COPY . /app

The __TAG_ID__ can be found from the Tags section in Docker Hub.

You can find documented EXTRA_APK_DEPENDENCIES within our tests which will indicate what other APK dependencies you will need in order to build your NPM dependencies.

As a Container Image via Docker-Compose

version: "3"
    image: zephinzer/alpine-node:latest
    working_dir: /app
    entrypoint: "/app/"
      - ./:/app

From Repository Release

Every successful build/test run by Travis results in a release by tagging the commit with a semver version. You may choose to download the project from the releases page but should you do that, you will need to run the following command to generate the correct Dockerfile before you can build it. Run the following commands:

# ./scripts/use argon
# ./scripts/use boron
# ./scripts/use carbon

These will create Dockerfiles for argon (Node 4.x LTS), boron (Node 6.x LTS) and carbon (Node 8.x) respectively. You can then build it via:

# docker build .

Customising the Build

For example, if you wanted to use centos/centos:7 as your base image to build Node Carbon v8.4.0 and include Yarn v1.0.0,

  • Clone this repository or download a release from the Releases Section
  • Add the relevant files to ./conf.d to configure the build
    • printf "centos/centos" > ./conf.d/BASE_IMAGE_SOURCE
    • printf "7" > ./conf.d/BASE_IMAGE_TAG
    • printf "v8.4.0" > ./conf.d/CARBON_VERSION
    • printf "v1.0.0" > ./conf.d/YARN_VERSION
  • Create the build files:
    • ./scripts/build/setup
  • Build the image:
    • docker build -f carbon.Dockerfile -t my_carbon .
  • Remove the build files:
    • ./scripts/build/teardown
  • Find your image:
    • docker images | grep my_carbon

This may be unnecessarily complicated, but we use this process so that we can open-source our logic, but use internally scanned and tested base images within our own products.

See Internal Use Example project for an example of maintaining an internal repository.

Contribution/Maintenance/Release Cycle

Contribution of Tests

Should you wish to add a test for a new package/to update currently listed packages in the ./package.json, fork this repo, add your relevant tests and submit a merge request.

Areas for Maintenance

Currently, automated retrieval and building of MINOR and PATCH versions are supported. However, when the Node Foundation names a new LTS version, this will have to be added manually. The following files should be updated:

  • ./test/.tags-to-test : add a new line latest-<LTS_CODENAME>.
  • ./.travis.yml
    • add a new job per test stage that uses the relevant codename as specified in .tags-to-test.
    • add a new job per build stage that uses the relevant codename
  • ./scripts/build/setup : search for [[MAINTENANCE]] tags and add the new codename. Current codenames begin each section with ## <codename> (Y.x) where Y is the major version number and <codename> is one of argon, boron and carbon.

The scripts used to grab the latest version of Node and Yarn can also be found in ./scripts/build/setup and may break if Node/Yarn decides to change how they list their versions and releases. Fix it by modifying the version retrieval logic.

Release Cycle

The Travis CI script is set to run every day at least once, ensuring that latest versions will always be built. Image versions available are from time of first publication (24th September 2017) and includes all versions after the following:

  • Node Argon v4.8.4
  • Node Boron v6.11.3
  • Node Carbon v8.5.0
  • Yarn 1.0.2

Release Versioning

This repository contains a semver versioning system where every successful CI run by Travis increases the PATCH version. There is no need to do anything. Breaking changes will be handled by the maintainers who will update the MAJOR version. MINOR version upgrades will automatically be made when [force build] is specified.

Force Rebuilding

Occassionally because of security vulnerabilities, it is necessary to rebuild previous containers because the build methodology is broken. For such cases, include a [force build] string inside the commit message to force the rebuild of the latest versions. Force rebuilding will cause a minor version bump.


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