
A empty skeleton for managing your dotfiles with the dots tool. Clone this and be organized!

MIT License


Dots Template

This template provides a way to quickly get up and running using the dots dotfile management utility.

Method 1: Clone Me (Recomended)

If you would like to be able to pull in any changes made to this template, you may use this as the base for your dotfiles repository.

Simply clone this repository git clone

Method 2: Initalize empty

If you would prefer to start with a clean history and don't care or have the need to pull in any updates to this template repository then you can instead initalize a new repository with the contents of this repository.

$ git clone --depth 1
$ rm -rf dots-template/.git
$ git init dots-template

Setting Up Your Dotfiles

  1. Create configuration groups as you see fit. All directories aside from the base directory should contain a second directory in them representing a sub-configuration group.

    For example you could have a machines/desktop configuration group for your desktop and a machines/laptop configuration group for your laptop. You could also for example have a common/develop for configuration files specifically used for development tools.

  2. Organize your dotfiles into their respective configuration groups.

  3. Execute source init-dots to install the dots manager and initialize your dotfiles into ther directories.

  4. Execute dots groups set [list of groups here] then dots install.

  5. Enjoy your organized dotfiles!

While not required, it's recommended to read through the dots README.

Don't forget to edit this README to be specific to your dotfiles!