
A fish theme based on Agnoster to throw in some emojis and more powerline-ness

MIT License



Based on Agnoster, extended with emojis representing home and root directories. Paths in the pwd prompt and git branch are split by "/" and joined as powerline segments for a clean aesthetic. Input is broken onto a new line for more consistent positioning.

Colours and emojis used are easily configurable at the top of ./fish_prompt.fish

Get the full path in your prompt by running:

set -U fish_prompt_pwd_dir_length 0



  • If you're under your home directory, "~" is replaced with ""
  • If you're outside your home directory, the root-level "/" is replaced with ""
  • pwd_prompt is split by "/", each section is turned into a Powerline segment
  • Git branch is split by "/", each section is turned into a Powerline segment
  • If the previous command failed ()
  • User @ Hostname (if user is not DEFAULT_USER, which can then be set in your profile)
  • Git/HG/SVN status
  • Branch () or detached head ()
  • Current branch / SHA1 in detached head state
  • Dirty working directory (, color change)
  • Clean working directory
  • Elevated (root) privileges ()
  • Current virtualenv (Python)
    You will probably want to disable the default virtualenv prompt. Add to your init.fish:
  • Indicate vi mode.

Forked from https://github.com/oh-my-fish/oh-my-fish/blob/master/docs/Themes.md#agnoster-1