
Bash script to encrypt/decrypt arbitrary files using OpenSSL. Useful for maintaining encrypted versions of files in the cloud (such as Dropbox), such that local plaintext edits never appear in Dropbox's "previous versions" history.

GPL-2.0 License



Bash script to encrypt/decrypt arbitrary files using OpenSSL. Useful for maintaining encrypted versions of files in the cloud (such as Dropbox), such that local plaintext edits never appear in Dropbox's "previous versions" history.


  • Uses OpenSSL to perform file encryption
    • Uses AES-256 in Counter (CTR) mode
    • Key and IV are derived from a user-defined passphrase
    • Every encryption operation is salted, to avoid having same file encrypt to the same ciphertext on successive runs
  • Plaintext file is deleted upon encryption
    • Uses 'shred' utility to overwrite the plaintext file repeatedly, in order to make it harder for even very expensive hardware probing to recover the data
  • Compresses file before encrypting (increases entropy before encryption)
  • Runs on any OS having a Bash environment


  • Any OS having a Bash environment
  • The following tools must be installed and in the PATH: openssl, shred, gzip, zcat


To install necessary prerequisites on Ubuntu:

sudo apt-get install openssl coreutils gzip


Simply copy encrypt-tool.sh to a directory of your choosing. Don't forget to make it executable:

chmod +x encrypt-tool.sh


./encrypt-tool.sh encrypt <plaintextFile> [outputDir]
./encrypt-tool.sh decrypt <encryptedFile> <outputFile>

Example usage

user@computer:~$ echo "this is secret data" > file.txt

user@computer:~$ ls -la file*
-rw-rw-r-- 1 user user 20 Apr 29 15:20 file.txt

user@computer:~$ xxd -g4 file.txt 
0000000: 74686973 20697320 73656372 65742064  this is secret d
0000010: 6174610a                             ata.

user@computer:~$ ./encrypt-tool.sh encrypt file.txt ~/Dropbox/
enter aes-256-ctr encryption password:
Verifying - enter aes-256-ctr encryption password:
shred: file.txt: pass 1/4 (random)...
shred: file.txt: pass 2/4 (random)...
shred: file.txt: pass 3/4 (random)...
shred: file.txt: pass 4/4 (000000)...
shred: file.txt: removing
shred: file.txt: renamed to 00000000
shred: 00000000: renamed to 0000000
shred: 0000000: renamed to 000000
shred: 000000: renamed to 00000
shred: 00000: renamed to 0000
shred: 0000: renamed to 000
shred: 000: renamed to 00
shred: 00: renamed to 0
shred: file.txt: removed
'file.txt' has been encrypted and shredded.  Encrypted file exists at '/home/user/Dropbox//file.bin'.

user@computer:~$ ls -la file*
ls: cannot access file*: No such file or directory

user@computer:~$ xxd -g4 /home/user/Dropbox//file.bin
0000000: 53616c74 65645f5f 616efb1c 9ebfe333  Salted__an.....3
0000010: 1c8ae442 352ed64c a0944b4a f492722e  ...B5..L..KJ..r.
0000020: f60440dc 7268bd65 4b7110db cc26e905  [email protected]...&..
0000030: 11aba058 9805cac4 10c143b0 7845232b  ...X......C.xE#+

user@computer:~$ ./encrypt-tool.sh decrypt /home/user/Dropbox//file.bin file.txt
enter aes-256-ctr decryption password:
'/home/user/Dropbox//file.bin' has been decrypted.  Plaintext file exists at 'file.txt'.

user@computer:~$ ls -la file*
-rw-rw-r-- 1 user user 20 Apr 29 15:21 file.txt

user@computer:~$ xxd -g4 file.txt 
0000000: 74686973 20697320 73656372 65742064  this is secret d
0000010: 6174610a                             ata.