
One git command to commit changes, push the commit, login to a remote machine, and pull the commit.


The git_sync Module

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The git_sync module.

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This is a very simple git script to help with local development and remote execution. It turns the process of commiting, logging into the remote machine, and then pulling on the remote machine into a single command.

Assuming that you have the same file structure on both your local and remote machine, git-sync allows you to edit files locally, and when you want those changes reflected on the remote machine, you execute

.. code::

git-sync other-machine

Note, that this creates a commit with the message "wip" and pushes it to the default git-remote. The commit message and target git-remote can be modified by command line args.


Installing the git_sync Python module also installs the git-sync command line utility.

.. code::

pip install git-sync


Executing git-sync performs the following actions:

  1. Executes a git commit to the local repo (the default commit message is "wip", but this can be changed using the -m flag).

  2. Executes a git push origin which pushes the local copy of the repo to the git server. (Note, git-sync defaults to the origin git remote, but you can specify a different one using a second positional argument: e.g. git-sync other-machine remote2).

  3. Creates an SSH connection to "other-machine", cd's into the same directory you are in on the local machine (which is why mirroring the directory structure across development machines is important), and then executes a git pull origin, which will update the remote machine to the newly pushed state.


Note that this script is very simple, it will fail if these conditions aren't met.

  • The location of the repo (relative to the home directory) must be the same on the local and remote machine. Note, it is fairly easy to ensure this is the case using symlinks.

  • The repo on the local machine and remote machine must be on the same branch.

  • The repo on the remote machine must be in a clean state.

On SSH Configs

Also, to make life easier, it is best that you have a $HOME/.ssh/config file setup with the remote machines you to access and appropriate identify files so you don't need to enter your password each time you git-sync.

An example ssh config entry is:

.. code::

Host {myremote} {}
    HostName {}
    Port 22
    User {username}
    identityfile ~/.ssh/{my_id_ed25519}

Replacing any entry in {curly braces} with an appropriate value.

If you don't have an ssh identify file, create one using:

.. code::

mkdir -p $HOME/.ssh
cd $HOME/.ssh

ssh-keygen -t ed25519 -b 256 -C "${EMAIL}" -f $FPATH -N ""

chmod 700 ~/.ssh
chmod 400 ~/.ssh/id_*
chmod 644 ~/.ssh/id_*.pub

And ensure the public key is registered with the remote machine:

.. code::

ssh-copy-id $REMOTE_USER@$REMOTE

Similar Software

  • CFarm <>__ is a tool for keeping remotes in sync and testing code on the remote machines.

  • Visual Studio Code <>__ has great remote ssh and developing support.

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