
ESPHome configuration to monitor and control a ISolar/EASUN SMG II inverter via RS232

APACHE-2.0 License



ESPHome configuration to monitor and control a ISolar/EASUN SMG II inverter via RS232

Supported devices

  • ISolar SMG II
  • PowMr POW-HVM5.5K-48V / POW-HVM5.5K-48V-P


  • ESPHome 2024.6.0 or higher.
  • One half of an ethernet cable with RJ45 connector
  • RS232-to-TTL module (MAX3232CSE f.e.)
  • Generic ESP32 or ESP8266 board


               RS232                     UART-TTL
┌──────────┐              ┌──────────┐                ┌─────────┐
│          │              │          │<----- RX ----->│         │
│          │<---- TX ---->│  RS232   │<----- TX ----->│ ESP32/  │
│  SMG-II  │<---- RX ---->│  to TTL  │<----- GND ---->│ ESP8266 │
│          │<---- GND --->│  module  │<-- 3.3V VCC -->│         │<--- VCC
│          │              │          │                │         │<--- GND
└──────────┘              └──────────┘                └─────────┘

RJ45 jack

Pin Purpose MAX3232 pin Color T-568B
1 TX P13 (RIN1) White-Orange
2 RX P14 (DOUT1) Orange
4 VCC 12V - Blue
8 GND P15 (GND) Brown

Please be aware of the different RJ45 pinout colors (T-568A vs. T-568B).


Pin Label ESPHome ESP8266 example ESP32 example
P11 (DIN1) TXD tx_pin GPIO4 GPIO16
P12 (ROUT1) RXD rx_pin GPIO5 GPIO17


Use the esp32-example.yaml / esp8266-example.yaml as proof of concept:

# Install esphome
pip3 install esphome

# Clone this project
git clone
cd esphome-smg-ii

# Create a secret.yaml containing some setup specific secrets
cat > secrets.yaml <<EOF
wifi_ssid: MY_WIFI_SSID
wifi_password: MY_WIFI_PASSWORD

mqtt_host: MY_MQTT_HOST
mqtt_username: MY_MQTT_USERNAME
mqtt_password: MY_MQTT_PASSWORD

# Validate the configuration, create a binary, upload it, and start logs
# If you use a esp8266 run the esp8266-examle.yaml
esphome run esp32-example.yaml


The protocol is Modbus RTU via RS232.

Description Unit Res Addr Len R/W Values
Fault code ULong 100 2 R
Warning code ULong 108 2 R
Serial number Ascii 186 12 R
Operation Mode UInt 201 1 R 0: Power On1: Standby2: Mains3: Off-Grid4: Bypass5: Charging6: Fault
Effective mains voltage 0.1V Int 202 1 R
Mains Frequency 0.01Hz Int 203 1 R
Average mains power 1W Int 204 1 R
Effective inverter voltage 0.1V Int 205 1 R
Effective inverter current 0.1A Int 206 1 R
Inverter frequency 0.01Hz Int 207 1 R
Average inverter power 1W Int 208 1 R Positive numbers indicate inverter outputNegative numbers indicate inverter input
Inverter charging power 1W Int 209 1 R
Output effective voltage 0.1V Int 210 1 R
Output effective Current 0.1A Int 211 1 R
Output frequency 0.01Hz Int 212 1 R
Output active power 1W Int 213 1 R
Output apparent power 1VA Int 214 1 R
Battery average voltage 0.1V Int 215 1 R
Battery average Current 0.1A Int 216 1 R
Battery average power 1W Int 217 1 R
PV average voltage 0.1V Int 219 1 R
PV average Current 0.1A Int 220 1 R
PV average power 1W Int 223 1 R
PV charging average power 1W Int 224 1 R
Load percentage 1% Int 225 1 R
DCDC Temperature 1°C Int 226 1 R
Inverter Temperature 1°C Int 227 1 R
Battery state of charge 1% UInt 229 1 R
Battery average current 0.1A Int 232 1 R Positive number means chargingNegative number means discharging
Inverter charging average current 0.1A Int 233 1 R
PV charging average current 0.1A Int 234 1 R
Output Mode Uint 300 1 R/W 0: Single1: Parallel2: 3 Phase-P13: 3 Phase-P24: 3 Phase-P3
Output priority Uint 301 1 R/W 0: Utility-PV-Battery1: PV-Utility-Battery2: PV-Battery-Utility
Input voltage range Uint 302 1 R/W 0: Wide range1: Narrow range
Buzzer mode Uint 303 1 R/W 0: Mute in all situations1: Sound when the input source is changed or there is a specific warning or fault2: Sound when there is aspecific warning or fault3: Sound when fault occurs
LCD backlight Uint 305 1 R/W 0: Timed off1: Always on
LCD automatically returns to the homepage Uint 306 1 R/W 0: Do not return automatically1: Automatically return after 1 minute
Energy-saving mode Uint 307 1 R/W 0: Energy-saving mode is off1: Energy-saving mode is on
Overload automatic restart Uint 308 1 R/W 0: Overload failure will not restart1: Automatic restart after overload failure
Over temperature automatic restart Uint 309 1 R/W 0: Over temperature failure will not restart1: Automatic restart after over-temperature fault
Overload transfer to bypass enabled Uint 310 1 R/W 0: Disable1: Enable
Battery Eq mode is enabled Uint 313 1 R/W 0: Disable1: Enable
Output voltage 0.1V Uint 320 1 R/W
Output frequency 0.01Hz Uint 321 1 R/W
Battery overvoltage protection point 0.1V Uint 323 1 R/W
Max charging voltage 0.1V Uint 324 1 R/W
Floating charging voltage 0.1V Uint 325 1 R/W
Battery discharge recovery point in mains mode 0.1V Uint 326 1 R/W
Battery low voltage protection point in mains mode 0.1V Uint 327 1 R/W
Battery low voltage protection point in off-grid mode 0.1V Uint 329 1 R/W
Battery charging priority Uint 331 1 R/W 0: Utility priority1: PV priority2: PV is at the same level as the Utility3: Only PV charging is allowed
Maximum charging current 0.1A Uint 332 1 R/W
Maximum mains charging current 0.1A Uint 333 1 R/W
Eq Charging voltage 0.1V Uint 334 1 R/W
Battery equalization time min Uint 335 1 R/W Range: 0~900
Equalization timeout exit min Uint 336 1 R/W Range: 0~900
Two equalization charging intervals day Uint 337 1 R/W Range: 1~90
Turn on mode Uint 406 1 R/W 0: Can be turn-on locally or remotely1: Only local turn-on2: Only remote turn-on
Remote switch Uint 420 1 R/W 0: Remote shutdown1: Remote turn-on
Exit the fault mode Uint 426 W 1: Exit the fault state (only when the inverter enters the fault mode, it could be available)
Rated Power W Uint 643 1 R

Known issues



If this example doesn't work out of the box for your device please update your configuration to enable the debug output of the UART component and increase the log level to the see outgoing and incoming serial traffic:

  level: DEBUG
  # Don't write log messages to UART0 (GPIO1/GPIO3) if the inverter is connected to GPIO1/GPIO3
  baud_rate: 0

  id: uart_0
  baud_rate: 9600
  tx_pin: ${tx_pin}
  rx_pin: ${rx_pin}
    direction: BOTH
    dummy_receiver: false
