
Repo containing scripts and utilities for eZ Publish Platform, eZ Platform



Various scripts for help running and upgrading ezpublish to ezplatform

Running eZ Publish Platform 5.4 via docker

Using legacy apache docker

You may want to run legacy directly from ezpublish_legacy/ folder. To do that:

Alter .env file

Add :external/ezp-toolkit/docker/legacy-apache.yml to the end of the COMPOSE_FILE variable in .env

Alter .dockerignore file

Add the following to .dockerignore file:


Install legacy directly

If you only want to run pure legacy, you need a container where you may run composer install:

docker run -d --name [proj]_console -v /var/www/[folder]:/app -v /home/vl/.ssh/id_rsa:/id_rsa ezsystems/legacy-apache bash -c "while [ 1 ]; do echo -n .; sleep 60; done"

Install eZ Publish Platform 5.x ( 5.4 )

Install files

    git clone [email protected]:ezsystems/ezpublish-platform.git
    cd ezpublish-platform
    git checkout v5.4.14
    mkdir external
    cd external
    git clone [email protected]:vidarl/ezp-toolkit.git
    cd ..
    cp external/ezp-toolkit/docker-ezpublishplatform/.dockerignore .
    cp external/ezp-toolkit/docker-ezpublishplatform/.env-dist .env
    # set COMPOSE_PROJECT_NAME in .env
    # Also make note that you may change COMPOSE_FILE depending on if want xdebug etc
    vim .env

    docker-compose up -d

Run composer install

Add auth.json to installation directory with credentials for updates.ez.no, next run:

    docker-compose exec -u www-data ezphp5 bash
    # Now, inside the container run:

    COMPOSER_HOME="/tmp/.composer" COMPOSER_MEMORY_LIMIT=-1 composer install

Run setup wizard

Run setup wizard directly from legacy ( using legacyphpapache container on port 8082) http://localhost:8082

Use the following db settings when asked by setup wizard:


Configure symfony stack

Run following program from console

    docker-compose exec -u www-data ezphp5 bash
    php ezpublish/console ezpublish:configure --env prod ezdemo_site ezdemo_site_admin

Access site

Access site directly from legacy, PHP 5.6 on port 8082 Access site using symfony stack, PHP 5.6 on port 8081 Access site using symfony stack, PHP 7.1 on port 8080

Debugging Symfony stack with PHP 5.6 (port 8081) with XDebug and PHPStorm

Enabling xdebug by including :external/ezp-toolkit/docker-ezpublishplatform/xdebug.yml in COMPOSE_FILE variable in .env

Specify your computer's IP in DOCKERHOST in .env

Install a browser Debugging extension, for instance XDebug Helper.

How to configure xdebug in PHPStorm is documented here. Specifically, it is important that you configure the Directory mapping correctly in PHPStorm, as the path to the .php files inside the container (seen by xdebug) is likely different from the path PHPStorm sees. Let's say you have installed eZ Publish Platform in /home/phpdeveleoper/project/ezpsite. To configure the directory mapping, press [Ctrl]-[Alt]-[s]. Next click Languages & Frameworks -> PHP -> Servers File/Directory : /home/phpdeveleoper/project/ezpsite Absolute path on the server : /var/www

Debugging eZ Platform with XDebug and PHPStorm

Note : This chapter is about how to enabled debugging in eZ Platform, not eZ Publish Platform

In .env, add following variable (substitute with your real IP)

# Insert the IP your computer here. xdebug inside the container will try to reach phpstorm using this IP

Also, in .env, add :external/ezp-toolkit/ezplatform/xdebug.yml to COMPOSE_FILE variable

Usefull commands

Get some more tools in the app container

    docker-compose exec app bash
    apt-get update; apt-get install -y vim less openssh-client procps mysql-client

Remove all cache if you use legacy bridge ( PS : your var_dir in legacy might be called ezflow_site or someting similar) :

    rm -Rf ezpublish_legacy/var/cache/* ezpublish_legacy/var/ezdemo_site/cache/* var/cache/*/*

Typically things to do after installing legacy bridge

    # copy settings/override and settings/siteaccess to src/legacy_files/settings/

    # Generate autoloads
    cd ezpublish_legacy
    php bin/php/ezpgenerateautoloads.php -e

    # Run composer scripts once or twice :
    composer symfony-scripts
    composer symfony-scripts

    # FYI : The above comands with among other things run (which makes symlinks from src/ to ezpublish_legacy/...:
    # php bin/console ezpublish:legacy:symlink

    # If you have custom extensions in src/AppBundle/ezpublish_legacy/, symlink them  using:
    # php bin/console ezpublish:legacybundles:install_extensions

    # Or run the following script (which will do all of this in one go)
    composer legacy-scripts

Add the rewrite rules to doc/nginx/ez_params.d/ez_rewrite_params :

    rewrite "^/var/([^/]+/)?storage/images(-versioned)?/(.*)" "/var/$1storage/images$2/$3" break;
    rewrite "^/var/([^/]+/)?cache/(texttoimage|public)/(.*)" "/var/$1cache/$2/$3" break;
    rewrite "^/design/([^/]+)/(stylesheets|images|javascript|fonts)/(.*)" "/design/$1/$2/$3" break;
    rewrite "^/share/icons/(.*)" "/share/icons/$1" break;
    rewrite "^/extension/([^/]+)/design/([^/]+)/(stylesheets|flash|images|lib|javascripts?)/(.*)" "/extension/$1/design/$2/$3/$4" break;
    rewrite "^/packages/styles/(.+)/(stylesheets|images|javascript)/([^/]+)/(.*)" "/packages/styles/$1/$2/$3/$4" break;
    rewrite "^/packages/styles/(.+)/thumbnail/(.*)" "/packages/styles/$1/thumbnail/$2" break;
    rewrite "^/var/storage/packages/(.*)" "/var/storage/packages/$1" break;

    rewrite "^(.*)$" "/app.php$1" last;

And restart web container

    docker-compose stop web; docker-compose up -d

Install eZ Platform 2.5 with legacy bridge

  git clone https://github.com/ezsystems/ezplatform-ee.git ezp25lb
  cd ezp25lb
  git checkout v2.5.31
  git checkout -b v2.5.31_branch

  git clone https://github.com/ezsystems/ezplatform-ee-demo.git ezp25lb
  cd ezp25lb
  git checkout v2.5.14
  git checkout -b v2.5.14_branch

  vi .env

  docker-compose up -d --remove-orphans
  docker-compose exec app bash
    export COMPOSER_HOME=/tmp/kake
    composer self-update 2.2.10
    ( see https://github.com/composer/composer/issues/10671 for details )

  # next step not needed with composer 2.2.10
  vi composer.json
    "repositories": [
            "type": "composer",
-            "url": "https://updates.ez.no/ttl"
+            "url": "https://updates.ez.no/ttl",
+            "canonical": false

   ( See https://getcomposer.org/doc/articles/repository-priorities.md for details )

  cp ~/.composer/auth.json .
  docker-compose exec --user www-data app bash

    export COMPOSER_HOME=/tmp/.composer
    composer require ezsystems/legacy-bridge:^2.1 -W  --no-scripts

  git clone [email protected]:vidarl/ezp-toolkit.git external/ezp-toolkit
  vi .env
  vi .dockerignore

  docker-compose up -d --remove-orphans

Run legacy setup wizard

Access http://localhost:8079

Enable Legacy bridge and XML Fieldtype in symfony stack

Add in app/AppKernel.php:

  new AppBundle\AppBundle(),
  +new eZ\Bundle\EzPublishLegacyBundle\EzPublishLegacyBundle( $this ),

Execute legacy bridge init script:

  php bin/console ezpublish:legacy:init

Do as instructed by ezpublish:legacy:init command:

  composer symfony-scripts
  git add src/legacy_files

More information is available at https://github.com/ezsystems/LegacyBridge/blob/master/INSTALL.md

Upgrade DB

  • Remove $mysqlcmd < vendor/ezsystems/ezpublish-kernel/data/update/mysql/dbupdate-7.2.0-to-7.3.0.sql from external/ezp-toolkit/database/upgrade_db.sh
  • Copy external/ezp-toolkit/database/legacy25_to_symfony25.sql.dist to external/ezp-toolkit/database/legacy25_to_symfony25.sql


  • Add this snippet to `app/config/ezplatform.yml``:
    #    clear_all_spi_cache_on_symfony_clear_cache: false
    #    clear_all_spi_cache_from_legacy: false
        #        site_admin:
        #        admin:
        #           legacy_mode: true
            legacy_mode: true
            legacy_mode: true
  • Add eng, ezdemo_site and ezdemo_site_admin to the siteaccess list in app/config/ezplatform.yml
  • Set eng as default siteaccess in app/config/ezplatform.yml
  • Add the following config if you have ezflow blocks (ezpage field type), and want to admin-ui to work:
                            name: Global zone layout
                            template: globalzonelayout.tpl
                            name: 2 zones (layout 1)
                            template: 2zoneslayout1.tpl
                            name: 2 zones (layout 2)
                            template: 2zoneslayout2.tpl
                            name: 2 zones (layout 3)
                            template: 2zoneslayout3.tpl
                            name: 3 zones (layout 1)
                            template: 3zoneslayout1.tpl
                            name: 3 zones (layout 2)
                            template: 3zoneslayout2.tpl
                            name: Call For Action zone layout
                            template: callforactionlayout.tpl
    • See vendor/ezsystems/ezpublish-kernel/eZ/Bundle/EzPublishCoreBundle/Resources/config/default_settings.yml and vendor/ezsystems/ezpublish-kernel/eZ/Bundle/EzPublishCoreBundle/DependencyInjection/Configuration/Parser/Page.php for more info.
  • mv ezpublish_legacy/settings/siteaccess/ezdemo_site* ezpublish_legacy/settings/siteaccess/eng src/legacy_files/settings/siteaccess
  • php bin/console ezpublish:legacy:symlink
  • Add the following code above the last line in ./doc/nginx/ez_params.d/ez_rewrite_params
      # LB
      rewrite "^/var/([^/]+/)?storage/images(-versioned)?/(.*)" "/var/$1storage/images$2/$3" break;
      rewrite "^/var/([^/]+/)?cache/(texttoimage|public)/(.*)" "/var/$1cache/$2/$3" break;
      rewrite "^/design/([^/]+)/(stylesheets|images|javascript|fonts)/(.*)" "/design/$1/$2/$3" break;
      rewrite "^/share/icons/(.*)" "/share/icons/$1" break;
      rewrite "^/extension/([^/]+)/design/([^/]+)/(stylesheets|flash|images|lib|javascripts?)/(.*)" "/extension/$1/design/$2/$3/$4" break;
      rewrite "^/packages/styles/(.+)/(stylesheets|images|javascript)/([^/]+)/(.*)" "/packages/styles/$1/$2/$3/$4" break;
      rewrite "^/packages/styles/(.+)/thumbnail/(.*)" "/packages/styles/$1/thumbnail/$2" break;
      rewrite "^/var/storage/packages/(.*)" "/var/storage/packages/$1" break;
- `docker-compose stop web; docker-compose up -d --remove-orphans`

# Install Ibexa DXP 3.3 and later in docker containers

This repo contains a helper script for running Ibexa DXP in docker containers.

## Usage

- First clone this repo ( for instance in the subdirectory ezp-toolkit/ )
- Make sure you have a `~/.composer/auth.json` which have credentials to updates.ibexa.co
- Next, execute:
  `./ezp-toolkit/ibexa/install_dxp.sh experience projectvtest vtest 3.3.21`
  - `experience` is the flavour (content, experience, commerce)
    - commerce not tested ATM
  - `projectvtest` is the PROJECT_NAME used by docker-compose when naming the containers
  - `vtest` is the target directory where the installation will be created
  - '3.3.21' is the version you want to install

# Install Ibexa DXP 4.x on platform.sh

- Install Ibexa DXP locally
- Create a project on platform.sh
- Install the platform.sh config files

composer ibexa:setup --platformsh

- Find the project ID

platform projects

- Add the platform.sh git remote

platform project:set-remote

- Add your Ibexa credentionals to the platform.sh project

platform variable:create --level project --name env:COMPOSER_AUTH --json true --visible-runtime false --sensitive true --visible-build true --value '{ "http-basic": { "updates.ez.no": { "username": "...", "password": "..." }, "updates.ibexa.co": { "username": "...", "password": "..." } }, "github-oauth": { "github.com": "..." } }'

- Check which environments you have available:

platform environments -p

- Typically, at least have one project named `main` is available. On elder platform.sh projects, the environment may be called `master` or `production`

git push -u platform main

- Obtain the URL to the deployment

platform environment:url -e main