
Shortcut functions that simplify usage of xclip in Fish Shell


Shortcut functions that simplify usage of xclip in Fish Shell

xclip is a command line interface to the X.Org clipboard. cb and friends are the wrapper functions that provide a nicer way to use xclip in Fish Shell.

The enhanced version:

  • uses "normal" clipboard (XA_CLIPBOARD) not XA_PRIMARY (paste with a middle mouse button)
  • handles input via pipe or parameters
  • can read the content of a file when given
  • prints an excerpt of the content that was copied


$ tail -n 100 /opt/tomcat/log/catalina.out | cb
Copied to clipboard: 2013-12-18 14:54:57 org.apache.catalina.core.AprLifecycleListener init INFO:...
$ cbwd
Copied to clipboard: /home/foo/very/long/path/to/some/interesting/place
$ cbf ~/
Copied to clipboard: ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAABIwAAAQEA3KFcRY/SswNVoTvwN1CPZ89Gwwkl5z+XlNk2adYi0rX4...
$ cb Copy this to a clipboard
Copied to clipboard: Copy this to a clipboard


Manual version

Download and put it into ~/.config/fish/functions/ directory.

Append a content of companionFunctions.txt to the ~/.config/fish/ file (in Fish only one function can be defined in a dedicated function file).

Scripted version

curl -o ~/.config/fish/functions/
curl >> ~/.config/fish/


The original idea and implementation for Bash was written by Nathan Broadbent.

The script was ported to Fish by Marcin Zajączkowski.

The Fish version is licensed under the terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0.