
Foreman SystemTap tracing utility

GPL-3.0 License


Foreman SystemTap tracing utility


  • Foreman or Satellite
  • SystemTap enabled kernel (tested on CentOS 7/RHEL 7)

This will not use with custom Ruby binaries like rvm/rbenv! Fedora or RHEL or SCL Ruby with SystemTap patches are required.


yum -y install gcc systemtap systemtap-runtime kernel-devel-`uname -r`

Create foreman-tracer script with:

curl -k -o /usr/local/bin/foreman-tracer && chmod +x /usr/local/bin/foreman-tracer


foreman-tracer [rails|proxy|PID] [trace|calls|objects|arrays] [app|all] [25]


  • target process (must be Ruby)
  • script to compile and run
  • filtering (only files in /usr/share/foreman* or everything)
  • entries per page (defaults to 25)

Tracing of calls

Start tracing of the foreman Ruby on Rails (Passenger) application:


This is same as:

foreman-tracer rails

Note this generates a lot of lines and it can overload the server when connected via SSH, it's recommended to redirect output to a file:

foreman-tracer > trace.log

It is good idea to start it 10 seconds before the point of interest and interrupt (Control+C) as soon as possible to minimize the file size. The log can be compressed with bzip2/xz with high compression ratio, consider that before sending it to Foreman or Satellite support engineers.

Tracing foreman-proxy

To trace Foreman Proxy (also known as Smart Proxy or Capsule) do this:

foreman-tracer proxy > trace.log

Tracing cron

It is possible to trace arbitrary Ruby applications as well (e.g. rake tasks created from cron). In that case, provide PID of the process:

foreman-tracer 13513 > trace.log

Note that some classes are filtered out for visibility (e.g. Logger etc). Also only sources from /usr/share/foreman* are taken into account (all the rest like rubygems and other dependencies are ignored from all tracing).

The script accepts second parameter which is "trace" if you don't provide it. Therefore this:


is identical to this:

foreman-tracer rails trace


All exceptions are traced with EXCEPTION prefix so they can be easily searched. Ruby source filepath and line is also added to the output.

Top method calls

To see top method calls "live" do:

foreman-tracer rails calls

This works with proxy option or arbitrary Ruby PID as well. Screen refreshes every second and all call counters reset every five minutes. Use Ctrl+C to stop the live view.

Keep in mind that all "live" probes do only show counters from files in /usr/share/foreman* therefore when going after a memory leak or performance issue, it can be in Foreman dependency which is not shown here. To see counters for all namespaces, simply provide "all" option:

foreman-tracer rails calls all

Time spent

To list top methods with most time spent, use:

foreman-tracer rails time [all]

Top object allocations

foreman-tracer rails objects-total [all]

Top object allocations per line

foreman-tracer rails objects [all]

Top array or hash allocations per line

foreman-tracer rails arrays [all]

This probe does not filter irrelevant classes like Logger.

Top string allocations per line

foreman-tracer rails strings [all]

This probe does not filter irrelevant classes like Logger.

Example sessions

The following output demonstrates usage of Foreman Proxy 1.13 handling request to list it's features (GET /features).

# foreman-tracer proxy
Tracing started at Tue Oct 25 08:52:49 EDT 2016
^CTracing ended at Tue Oct 25 08:54:23 EDT 2016

The following example shows "top" utility tracing Foreman Rails process after few clicks in the WebUI (hosts list, host details, dashboard).

# foreman-tracer rails calls
                                                               FILENAME   LINE                    METHOD  CALLS
     /usr/share/foreman/app/services/config_report_status_calculator.rb     23                    status    780
     /usr/share/foreman/app/services/config_report_status_calculator.rb     34                 status_of    780
     /usr/share/foreman/app/services/config_report_status_calculator.rb     11                 calculate    764
     /usr/share/foreman/app/services/config_report_status_calculator.rb      5                initialize    764
                         /usr/share/foreman/app/models/config_report.rb     87                calculator    744
                         /usr/share/foreman/app/models/config_report.rb     84                 status_of    744
                         /usr/share/foreman/app/models/config_report.rb     31      report_status_column    744
                   /usr/share/foreman/app/helpers/application_helper.rb      6                   link_to    128
              /usr/share/foreman/app/models/concerns/parameterizable.rb     43                  to_param    114
                                  /usr/share/foreman/app/models/user.rb    137                    admin?    113
                               /usr/share/foreman/app/models/setting.rb    218                     cache    108
                               /usr/share/foreman/app/models/setting.rb     72                        []    105
                   /usr/share/foreman/app/helpers/application_helper.rb     92            authorized_for     72
                                  /usr/share/foreman/app/models/user.rb    319               allowed_to?     58
                           /usr/share/foreman/app/services/menu/item.rb     29                  url_hash     40

The following example shows "top" mode for Foreman Rails app when bare-metal host was created and then deleted:

# foreman-tracer rails objects-total
                                        OBJECT    COUNT
                  ConfigReportStatusCalculator     2101
                                           ERB       97
                                 Safemode::Box       97
                      ActionView::OutputBuffer       53
                       ActionDispatch::Request       24
                                    Authorizer       23
      ActiveSupport::HashWithIndifferentAccess       23
                                    SafeRender       12
                                        IPAddr       11
                            OpenSSL::PKey::RSA       10
                    OpenSSL::X509::Certificate       10
                            HostStatus::Global        8
                   Classification::GlobalParam        8
                           Orchestration::Task        7
                                 ProxyAPI::DNS        7


When SystemTap is no longer necessary, it is good idea to remove it as it installs GNU C/C++ compiler which can be considered as a security risk:

yum remove systemtap* kernel-devel-`uname -r` gcc cpp


Error near identifier user_string_n

Full error: user string copy fault -14 at 0000000001a9e310 [man error::fault] near identifier 'user_string_n' at /usr/share/systemtap/tapset/uconversions.stp.

You need to change user_string to user_string_warn in libruby.stp file. For RH SCL this is located at:


Bugzilla for Fedora was raised:

The script will make the change for you automatically.

Multiple worker processes

Foreman (or Passenger) is configured to run 6 number or worker processes, this is by default shared between Foreman Rails app and Puppet Master. Production instances likely run more Foreman Rails processes and the foreman-tracer utility is capable of connecting to only single process. Since Passenger distributes multiple requests among these worked processes, statistics will not include all requests.

If possible, configure Passenger with maximum of one process per application in order to get most accurate results:

echo "PassengerMaxInstancesPerApp 1" >> /etc/httpd/conf.d/passenger.conf
systemctl restart httpd

Production under heavy load do not usually need to be reconfigured, but the absolute numbers from the statistics might not be accurate when compared to number of requests.

Software collections

Ruby SCL is hardcoded in the script, some older version of Foreman (or Satellite) have different Foreman/Ruby SCL. This can be determined with:

# grep Ruby /etc/httpd/conf.d/05-foreman.conf
PassengerRuby /usr/bin/tfm-ruby


  • Get this working on Ubuntu/Debian (SCL ruby is hardcoded in the script)
  • Automatically detect Ruby SCL (solves above as well)
  • Getopt options, help page, man page

Have fun!