
Trigger a source code pull with a push event from the git webhook. And then execute the commands.

MIT License


Git Job Docker

Trigger a source code pull with a push event from the git webhook. And then execute the commands. Base Image: funnyzak/java-nodejs-python-go-etc-docker.

Download size of this image is:

Docker hub image: funnyzak/git-job

Docker Pull Command: docker pull funnyzak/git-job:latest

The nginx service is enabled by default, and the proxy ports are 80 and 9000, default webhook event is push. And the webhook url path is /hooks/git-webhook, url parameter is token. For example:

  • http://hostname:80/hooks/git-webhook?token=HOOK_TOKEN
  • http://hostname:9000/hooks/git-webhook?token=HOOK_TOKEN

Attention: Current version is not compatible old version, please use tag 1.1.0 if you want to use old version.


The following environment variables are used to configure the container:


The following flags are a list of all the currently supported options that can be changed by passing in the variables to docker with the -e flag.

  • GIT_USER_EMAIL - The email of the git committer. Required.
  • GIT_REPO_URL - The remote url of the git repository. Required. Example: [email protected]:funnyzak/vp-starter.git.
  • HOOK_TOKEN - The token of the webhook. Required.


The following environment variables are optional:

  • USE_HOOK - Set to true to enable the webhook. Default is true.
  • GIT_USER_NAME - The username of the git. Optional.
  • GIT_BRANCH - The branch of the git repository to pull. Optional. Default is the repo main branch.
  • STARTUP_COMMANDS - Optional. A shell command that will be run at the end of the start shell script. left blank, will not execute.
  • BEFORE_PULL_COMMANDS - Optional. A shell command that will be run before pull code. left blank, will not execute.
  • AFTER_PULL_COMMANDS - Optional. A shell command that will be run after pull code. left blank, will not execute.
  • CODE_DIR - The code dir of the git repository. Optional. Default is /app/code.
  • TARGET_DIR - If after pull code, you want to execute build action, you can set the target dir. Optional. Default is /app/target.
  • INSTALL_DEPS_COMMAND - If after pull code, you want to execute install dependencies action, you can set the install command. Optional. For example: npm install.
  • BUILD_COMMAND - If after install deps, you want to execute build action, you can set the build command. Optional. For example: npm run build.
  • BUILD_OUTPUT_DIR - Set the build output dir. Optional. It is relative to CODE_DIR. For example: dist. Build output dir will rsync to TARGET_DIR.
  • AFTER_BUILD_COMMANDS - If after build, you want to execute other action, you can set the commands. Optional. For example: npm run deploy.


If you want to receive message with pushoo, you need to set PUSHOO_PUSH_PLATFORMS and PUSHOO_PUSH_TOKENS.

  • SERVER_NAME - The server name, used for pushoo message. Optional.
  • PUSHOO_PUSH_PLATFORMS - The push platforms, separated by commas. Optional.
  • PUSHOO_PUSH_TOKENS - The push tokens, separated by commas. Optional.
  • PUSH_MESSAGE_HEAD - The push message head. Optional. Default is empty.
  • PUSH_MESSGE_FOOT - The push message foot. Optional. Default is empty.

For more details, please refer to pushoo-cli.


  • /app/code - Git code folder. Must same as CODE_DIR. For example: ./code:/app/code.
  • /root/.ssh - Git ssh key folder. For example: ./ssh:/root/.ssh.
  • /app/target - The target of the code build. Must same as TARGET_DIR. For example: ./target:/app/target.
  • /app/scripts - The main scripts folder. contains,,
  • /custom_scripts/on_startup - which the scripts are executed at startup. For example: ./scripts/on_startup:/custom_scripts/on_startup.
  • /custom_scripts/before_pull - which the scripts are executed at before pull. Same as /custom_scripts/on_startup.
  • /custom_scripts/after_pull - which the scripts are executed at after pull. Same as /custom_scripts/on_startup.



Follow the example below to use docker to start the container, you should acdjust the environment variables according to your needs.

docker run -d -t -i --name git-job --restart on-failure:5 --privileged=true \
-e TZ=Asia/Shanghai \
-e LANG=C.UTF-8 \
-e USE_HOOK=true \
-e [email protected] \
-e [email protected]:funnyzak/git-job.git \
-p 81:80 funnyzak/git-job


Full configuration

Follow the example below to use docker-compose to start the container, and the environment variables are fully configured.

version: '3'
   image: funnyzak/git-job
   privileged: false
   container_name: gitjob
   working_dir: /app/code
   tty: true
     - TZ=Asia/Shanghai
     - LANG=C.UTF-8
     # repo config
     - USE_HOOK=true
     - GIT_USER_NAME=Leon
     - [email protected]
     - [email protected]:funnyzak/git-job.git
     - GIT_BRANCH=main
     # commands
     - STARTUP_COMMANDS=echo start time:$$(date)
     - BEFORE_PULL_COMMANDS=echo before pull time:$$(date)
     - AFTER_PULL_COMMANDS=echo after pull time:$$(date)
     # pushoo 
     - SERVER_NAME=demo server
     - PUSHOO_PUSH_PLATFORMS=dingtalk,bark
     - PUSHOO_PUSH_TOKENS=dingtalktoken:barktoken
     - PUSHOO_PUSH_OPTIONS={"dingtalk":{"atMobiles":["13800000000"]},"bark":{"sound":"tink"}}
     - PUSH_MESSAGE_HEAD=This is a message head
     - PUSH_MESSAGE_FOOT=## Other

         * Click Here[Home Page](
     # custom environment for build
     - INSTALL_DEPS_COMMAND=echo install deps time:$$(date)
     - BUILD_COMMAND=mkdir target && zip -r ./target/ ./*
     - BUILD_OUTPUT_DIR=./dist
     - AFTER_BUILD_COMMANDS=echo after build time:$$(date)
     # custom environment for aliyun oss
     - ALIYUN_OSS_AK_ID=123456789
     - ALIYUN_OSS_AK_SID=sxgh645etrdgfjh4635wer
     # optional
     - CODE_DIR=/app/code
     - TARGET_DIR=/app/target
   restart: on-failure
     - 1038:80
     - ./target:/app/target
     - ./ssh:/root/.ssh
     - ./scripts/after_pull/

Simple configuration

Follow the example below to use docker-compose to start the container, and the environment variables are not fully configured.

version: '3'
   image: funnyzak/git-job
   privileged: false
   container_name: gitjob
   tty: true
     - GIT_USER_NAME=Leon
     - [email protected]
     - [email protected]:funnyzak/git-job.git
     - GIT_BRANCH=main
     # pushoo 
     - SERVER_NAME=demo server
     - PUSHOO_PUSH_PLATFORMS=dingtalk,bark
     - PUSHOO_PUSH_TOKENS=dingtalk:xxxx,bark:xxxx
     # custom environment for build
     - INSTALL_DEPS_COMMAND=echo install deps time:$$(date)
     - BUILD_COMMAND=mkdir target && zip -r ./target/ ./*
     - BUILD_OUTPUT_DIR=./dist
   restart: on-failure
     - 1038:80
     - ./target:/app/target
     - ./ssh:/root/.ssh
     - ./scripts/after_pull/



If you want to use ssh-key, you need to mount the ssh-key folder to /root/.ssh. Generally, you need to mount the id_rsa and files. For example:

 - ./ssh:/root/.ssh

Your can use ssh-keygen to generate the ssh-key.For example:

ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096 -C "[email protected]" -N "" -f ./id_rsa


The following modules are installed in the image.

Base Module

  • nginx 1.22
  • git 2.30.2
  • curl 7.74.0
  • wget 1.21
  • nrm 1.2.5
  • ossutil64 1.7.14
  • ttf-mscorefonts
  • go 1.20
  • java 1.8.0_292
  • mvn 3.3.9
  • python 3.9.2
  • node 16.19.0
  • npm 8.19.3
  • yarn 1.22.19
  • certbot
  • n 8.2.0
  • tar 1.34
  • zip 10.2.1
  • bash 5.1.4
  • rsync 3.2.3
  • gzip 1.10
  • bzip2 1.0.8
  • openssl 1.1.1n
  • tree 1.8.0
  • crontab 1.5.2
  • rclone 1.53.3
  • mysql-client 10.19
  • webhook 2.8.0


More details, please refer to funnyzak/java-nodejs-python-go-etc-docker.


If you have any questions or suggestions, please feel free to submit an issue or pull request.


MIT License 2022 funnyzak