
Run gitolite with LDAP backend and SSH + HTTP/S



Run gitolite with LDAP backend and SSH + HTTP/S

The scripts allow to use "git clone git@server:somerepo" syntax with pubkey only, "git clone username@server:somerepo" with pubkey or password via ssh, or "git clone http://server/publicrepo" as user anonymous and "git clone https://server/somerepo" with username and password via http.

There might be several ways to connect gitolite with ldap. This is ours! If you find a way to do it better, send me a patch! I don't show how to configure LDAP. This howto expects that you have some knowledge about ssh/apache2/LDAP.

  • Requirements:
    • sudo
    • openssh
    • apache
    • Running LDAP Server



  • Allow all users to execute gitolite-shell under user git:
ALL ALL=(git) NOPASSWD:SETENV: /path/to/gitolite/bin/gitolite-shell 

Warning! This is a security problem if the user has access to the system running gitolite (most cases) as he now can execute gitolite-shell pretending to be any user he knows! But there is a workaround. Add to your system and use the following instead:

ALL ALL=(git) NOPASSWD:SETENV: /path/to/

The script will check if the user is on a tty and then disallows the access of the gitolite shell. If you use this approach be sure to change the path to in the http and ssh wrapper scripts instead of the PATH to gitolite shell.

If you have a better solution to this problem, let me know!


  • Is your system already is configured to use LDAP? Fine! Go on. If not find one of the thousands of howtos for your system.
  • If you would like to use SSH-Keys as well you can add the script and these lines for openssh to the sshd_config:
AuthorizedKeysCommand /path/to/script/
AuthorizedKeysCommandUser nobody

Wrapper Scripts


PermitUserEnvironment yes
ForceCommand /path/to/


  • We want to let users access public repositories anonymously using http. And force users to log in using https
    Warning! with this configuration @all containes the anonymous user!
  • Add
  • Configure apache virtual host for anonymous access via http:
<VirtualHost your.domain:80>
        ScriptAlias / /path/to/gitolite_http_wrapper_script/

        <Location />
                Allow from all
  • Configure apache virtual host for ldap login access via https:
<VirtualHost your.domain:443>
        SSLEngine On
        SSLCertificateFile "etc/apache2/server.crt"
        SSLCertificateKeyFile "/etc/apache2/server.key"
        ScriptAlias / /path/to/gitolite_http_wrapper_script/

        <Location />
                Options FollowSymLinks
                AllowOverride None
                Order Allow,Deny
                Allow from all
                AuthType Basic
                AuthBasicProvider ldap
                AuthLDAPUrl ldap://,dc=example?uid?sub
                AuthLDAPBindAuthoritative Off
                AuthLDAPGroupAttribute memberUid
                AuthLDAPGroupAttributeIsDN Off
                AuthName "LDAP Login"
                #require ldap-group cn=core-admin,ou=groups,dc=example
                require valid-user