
A Gogh color schemes builder for termux color format.


Gogh Color Schemes for Termux

Now you can use Gogh Color Schemes in termux app with this simple setup.


Clone this Repository

You may need to clone this repository to use the scripts from this repository to build and setting color:

git clone https://github.com/nousantx/GoghTermux

cd GoghTermux

Building Colors

You need to build the color schemes with python or javascript code in this repository:

Using python:

python color.py

Or use nodejs if you don't have python on your terminal:

node color.js

The default output directory is ./colors, and you may need to list with ls command to make sure the colors scheme is successfully generated.

Set Color Scheme

▶ ./setcolor.sh help
  setcolor.sh -l | --list               # List all available color schemes
  setcolor.sh -n | --number <number>    # Apply a color scheme by number
  setcolor.sh -f | --file <color_file>  # Apply a specific color file
  setcolor.sh -h | --help               # Show this help message

  setcolor.sh -l
  setcolor.sh -n 2
  setcolor.sh -f ./colors/tokyo-night.properties

The Set Color Scheme script lets you easily change the color scheme of your Termux environment. You can list available color schemes, select a scheme by number, or apply one directly from a file. Below is a quick guide to its usage.


setcolor.sh [options]


  • -l | --list | list Lists all available color schemes.

  • -n <number> | --number <number> Applies a color scheme by choosing a number from the list.

  • -f <file> | --file <file> | file <file> Applies a specific color scheme by giving the path to a .properties file.

  • -h | --help | help Shows this help message.


  1. List available color schemes:

    ./setcolor.sh -l
  2. Apply a color scheme by number:

    ./setcolor.sh -n 1
  3. Apply a color scheme from a file:

    ./setcolor.sh -f ./colors/dracula.properties
  4. Show the help message:

    ./setcolor.sh -h
  5. Interactive mode (choose a color scheme by number):


How It Works

  • List: Displays all color schemes in the specified directory, formatted for easy reading, with corresponding numbers.
  • Apply by Number: Selects a color scheme using the number from the list.
  • Apply by File: Directly applies a color scheme by specifying the full file path.
  • Interactive Mode: If no options are provided, you can interactively choose a color scheme by entering its number.

This script makes it easy to customize your Termux terminal colors with just a few simple commands.

Manual Installation

Let's say you can't run the setcolor.sh file, you can manually install the color like this:

# make sure you're inside GoghTermux directory and already build the colors
cp colors/<color_scheme> ~/.termux/colors.properties

This is the example:

cp colors/zenburn.properties ~/.termux/colors.properties

And then, you need to run termux-reload-settings command to load new color scheme.

Get the Latest themes.json File (optional)

This repository also contains themes.json file, but it may be updated again in the future, so you can always find the newest version here.