
My home service stack running on a Beelink EQ12 with Fedora IoT. These podman services are supporting my home infrastructure including, DNS and Kubernetes clusters.



My home service stack running on a Beelink EQ12 with Fedora IoT. Applications are run as podman containers and managed by systemd to support my home infrastructure.

Core components

  • direnv: Update environment per working directory.
  • podman: A tool for managing OCI containers and pods with native systemd integration.
  • renovate: Universal dependency automation tool.
  • sops: Manage secrets which are commited to Git using Age for encryption.
  • task: A task runner / simpler Make alternative written in Go.


System configuration

  1. Install required system deps and reboot

    sudo rpm-ostree install --idempotent --assumeyes git go-task
    sudo systemctl reboot
  2. Make a new SSH key, add it to GitHub and clone your repo

    export GITHUB_USER="onedr0p"
    curl https://github.com/$GITHUB_USER.keys > ~/.ssh/authorized_keys
    sudo install -d -o $(logname) -g $(logname) -m 755 /var/opt/home-service
    git clone [email protected]:$GITHUB_USER/home-service.git /var/opt/home-service/.
  3. Install additional system deps and reboot

    cd /var/opt/home-service
    go-task deps
    sudo systemctl reboot
  4. Create an Age public/private key pair for use with sops

    age-keygen -o /var/opt/home-service/age.key

Network configuration

[!NOTE] I am using ipvlan to expose most containers on their own IP addresses on the same network as this here device, the available addresses are mentioned in the --ip-range flag below. Beware of IP addressing and interface names.

  1. Create the podman containernet network

    sudo podman network create \
        --driver=ipvlan \
        --ipam-driver=host-local \
        --subnet= \
        --gateway= \
        --ip-range= \
  2. Setup the currently used interface with systemd-networkd

    📍 Setting the DNS server to a container used on this system might make dragons appear 🐉.

    sudo bash -c 'cat << EOF > /etc/systemd/network/enp1s0.network
    Name = enp1s0
    DHCP = yes
    DNS =
    DNS =
    IPVLAN = containernet
    UseDNS = false'
  3. Setup containernet with systemd-networkd

    sudo bash -c 'cat << EOF > /etc/systemd/network/containernet.netdev
    Name = containernet
    Kind = ipvlan'
    sudo bash -c 'cat << EOF > /etc/systemd/network/containernet.network
    Name = containernet
    IPForward = yes
    Address ='
  4. Disable networkmanager, the enable and start systemd-networkd

    sudo systemctl disable --now NetworkManager
    sudo systemctl enable systemd-networkd
    sudo systemctl start systemd-networkd

Container configuration

[!TIP] To encrypt files with sops replace the public key in the .sops.yaml file with your Age public key. The format should look similar to the one already present.

View the apps directory for documentation on configuring an app container used here, or setup your own by reviewing the structure of this repository.

Using the included Taskfile there are helper commands to start, stop, restart containers and more. Run the command below to view all available tasks.

go-task --list

Optional configuration

Fish shell

[!TIP] 🐟 fish is awesome, you should try fish!

chsh -s /usr/bin/fish
# IMPORTANT: Log out and log back in
go-task dotfiles

Enable Chrony as a NTP server

[!TIP] ⌚ You can also update /etc/chrony.conf with custom NTP servers.

sudo sed -i 's/^#allow .*/allow all/g' /etc/chrony.conf
sudo systemctl restart chronyd

Tune selinux

sudo sed -i 's/SELINUX=enforcing/SELINUX=permissive/g' /etc/selinux/config
sudo systemctl reboot

Disable firewalld

sudo systemctl disable --now firewalld.service

Network topology

Name Subnet DHCP range ARP reserved
LAN 150-254 120-149
TRUSTED 150-254 -
SERVERS 150-254 120-149
GUESTS 150-254 -
IOT 150-254 -

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