
An iocage plugin for Gitea, a painless self-hosted Git service.

MPL-2.0 License



An iocage plugin for Gitea, a community managed lightweight code hosting solution written in Go.

CI CI Status
License License

Table of Contents


This plugin can be installed via the fnichol/iocage-plugin-index plugin collection which is not installed on FreeNAS or TrueOS by default. For example, to install the plugin with a name of gitea and a dedicated IP address:

$ jail=gitea
$ ip_addr=

$ sudo iocage fetch \
  -g \
  -P gitea \
  --name $jail \


Enabling TLS Mode with an SSL Certificate

TLS mode is handled by the nginx service which forwards all traffic back to the Gitea service via a local Unix domain socket. To enable TLS you will need a public SSL certificate (i.e. a cert.pem file) and the private server key (i.e. a key.pem file) installed into the nginx configuration directory of the plugin's jail. Assuming a running installed plugin called gitea with a jail mount point of /mnt/tank/iocage/jails/gitea in the host system, the following will setup Gitea to run under HTTPS:

$ jail=gitea
$ jail_mnt=/mnt/tank/iocage/jails/$jail

$ sudo cp cert.pem key.pem $jail_mnt/root/usr/local/etc/nginx/
$ sudo chown 0644 $jail_mnt/root/usr/local/etc/nginx/cert.pem
$ sudo chown 0600 $jail_mnt/root/usr/local/etc/nginx/key.pem
$ sudo iocage exec $jail plugin config set gitea_nginx_mode https
$ sudo iocage exec $jail plugin services restart

Persisting Data

There are 2 primary directories that contain data in a Gitea jail:

  • /var/db/gitea All internal state and configuration for Gitea
  • /usr/local/git All hosted repository data

A good strategy is to create a ZFS dataset per directory and mount them into the jail. This way, the jail can be destroyed and later re-created without losing the Gitea configuration or the repository data itself.

Initial Setup

To set this up for the first time, the ZFS datasets will need to be created and any initial state in the jail will need to be copied onto the datasets.

$ jail=gitea
$ dataset=tank/src/gitea
$ mnt=/mnt/$dataset

# Create the ZFS datasets on the host system
$ sudo zfs create $dataset
$ sudo zfs create $dataset/config
$ sudo zfs create $dataset/repos

# Stop the Gitea service
$ sudo iocage exec $jail service gitea stop

# Mount the ZFS dataset for config data & copy existing data to dataset
$ sudo iocage exec $jail mv /var/db/gitea /var/db/_gitea
$ sudo iocage exec $jail mkdir /var/db/gitea
$ sudo iocage fstab -a $jail "$mnt/config /var/db/gitea nullfs rw 0 0"
$ sudo iocage exec $jail chmod 0750 /var/db/gitea
$ sudo iocage exec $jail chown git:git /var/db/gitea
$ sudo iocage exec $jail sh -c \
  'tar cf - -C /var/db/_gitea . | tar xpf - -C /var/db/gitea'
$ sudo iocage exec $jail rm -rf /var/db/_gitea

# Mount the ZFS dataset for repos data & copy existing data to dataset
$ sudo iocage exec $jail mv /usr/local/git /usr/local/_git
$ sudo iocage exec $jail mkdir /usr/local/git
$ sudo iocage fstab -a $jail "$mnt/repos /usr/local/git nullfs rw 0 0"
$ sudo iocage exec $jail chmod 0755 /usr/local/git
$ sudo iocage exec $jail chown git:git /usr/local/git
$ sudo iocage exec $jail sh -c \
  'tar cf - -C /usr/local/_git . | tar xpf - -C /usr/local/git'
$ sudo iocage exec $jail rm -rf /usr/local/_git

# Start the Gitea service
$ sudo iocage exec $jail service gitea start

Reattaching Data in a New Jail

If you are setting up a fresh new plugin instance and want to re-use the configuration and repository data from a prior instance, then you can re-attach the existing datasets into the new instance.

$ jail=gitea_2
$ dataset=tank/src/gitea
$ mnt=/mnt/$dataset

# Stop the Gitea service
$ sudo iocage exec $jail service gitea stop

# Reattach the existing ZFS dataset with the config data
$ sudo iocage exec $jail rm -rf /var/db/gitea
$ sudo iocage exec $jail mkdir /var/db/gitea
$ sudo iocage fstab -a $jail "$mnt/config /var/db/gitea nullfs rw 0 0"

# Reattach the existing ZFS dataset with the repos data
$ sudo iocage exec $jail rm -rf /usr/local/git
$ sudo iocage exec $jail mkdir /usr/local/git
$ sudo iocage fstab -a $jail "$mnt/repos /usr/local/git nullfs rw 0 0"

# Start the Gitea service
$ sudo iocage exec $jail service gitea start


User Serviceable Configuration

The following configuration is intended to be modified by a plugin user.


Application name, used in the page title. (Gitea reference)

  • default: "Gitea: Git with a cup of tea"

To change this value, use the installed plugin program and restart the services to apply the updated configuration:

$ plugin config set gitea_app_name "Gitea: Git with a cup of tea"
$ plugin services restart


Whether or not TLS is being used for the service. See the TLS section for more information regarding how to install an SSL certificate.

  • default: "http"
  • valid values: "http"|"https"

To change this value, use the installed plugin program and restart the services to apply the updated configuration:

$ plugin config set gitea_nginx_mode http
$ plugin services restart


Secret used to validate communication within Gitea binary. This value is randomly generated at install time. (Gitea reference)

  • default: generated on install

To change this value, use the installed plugin program and restart the services to apply the updated configuration:

$ plugin config set gitea_internal_token \
  "`gitea generate secret INTERNAL_TOKEN`"
$ plugin services restart


LFS authentication secret. This value is randomly generated at install time. (Gitea reference)

  • default: generated on install

To change this value, use the installed plugin program and restart the services to apply the updated configuration:

$ plugin config set gitea_lfs_jwt_secret \
  "`gitea generate secret LFS_JWT_SECRET`"
$ plugin services restart


OAuth2 authentication secret for access and refresh tokens. This value is randomly generated at install time. (Gitea reference)

  • default: generated on install

To change this value, use the installed plugin program and restart the services to apply the updated configuration:

$ plugin config set gitea_oauth2_jwt_secret \
  "`gitea generate secret JWT_SECRET`"
$ plugin services restart


Global secret key. This value is randomly generated at install time. (Gitea reference)

  • default: generated on install

To change this value, use the installed plugin program and restart the services to apply the updated configuration:

$ plugin config set gitea_secret_key \
  "`gitea generate secret SECRET_KEY`"
$ plugin services restart

System Configuration

The following configuration is used to configure and setup the services during post installation and is therefore not intended to be changed or modified by a plugin user.


Domain name of this server. (Gitea reference)

  • default: "localhost"


Used to determine a parent path for storing all repository data.

  • default: $HOME for gitea_user


The non-privileged user which runs the gitea service.

  • default: "git"


Used to determine a parent path for storing all internal service state and configuration.

  • default: "/var/db/gitea"

Code of Conduct

This project adheres to the Contributor Covenant code of conduct. By participating, you are expected to uphold this code. Please report unacceptable behavior to [email protected].


If you have any problems with or questions about this project, please contact us through a GitHub issue.


You are invited to contribute to new features, fixes, or updates, large or small; we are always thrilled to receive pull requests, and do our best to process them as fast as we can.

Before you start to code, we recommend discussing your plans through a GitHub issue, especially for more ambitious contributions. This gives other contributors a chance to point you in the right direction, give you feedback on your design, and help you find out if someone else is working on the same thing.

Release History

This project uses a "deployable master" strategy, meaning that the master branch is assumed to be working and production ready. As such there is no formal versioning process and therefore also no formal changelog documentation.


Created and maintained by Fletcher Nichol ([email protected]).


Licensed under the Mozilla Public License Version 2.0 (LICENSE.txt).

Unless you explicitly state otherwise, any contribution intentionally submitted for inclusion in the work by you, as defined in the MPL-2.0 license, shall be licensed as above, without any additional terms or conditions.