
Load testing infrastructure using JMeter and Azure Container Instances.


Work in progress.


  • Bash (or WSL on Windows)
  • Azure CLI - configured for current subscription
  • Azure resource group with:
    • Azure Container Registry with JMeter images
    • Service principal configured to access Container Registry
    • Storage Account with File storage (Azure Files)
    • Virtual Network

How to use

  1. Prepare Azure Infrastructure (you can use the Terraform template under infra/ if you like to deploy the required components) and get keys to Azure Storage and ACR Service Principal.
  2. Prepare Docker images (based on Dockerfiles in the docker/ folder), publish to Azure Container Registry.
  3. Prepare test in JMeter as JMX file.
  4. Fill the constants in (description below).
  5. Run and wait - if it fails, investigate and correct manually (currently no failsafes in place).
  6. Go to and set up parameters of the test. (Why here? In this way you can quickly change test parameters and re-run it without changing the infrastructure.)
  7. Run and wait.
  8. Once the test completes results will be collected and stored in file share.
  9. Infrastructure is reusable - just change test parameters and run again with

Recommended number of USERS is 400 due to thread limitations. If more users are needed, add more agents.

Use command line variables in the JMX test to parametrize load - such as ${__P(users)}. Example JMX file attached in definitions/.

Use to gracefully terminate running test. Do not Ctrl+C on the master process - it might leave agents in unhealthy state.

Use to download results. Don't forget to update RESULTS_FILE. This is just a shorthand for downloading manually from Storage, nothing too fancy.

Use to remove all agents and master.


Property Meaning
RESOURCE_GROUP RG name, where the testing infrastructure will live
VNET Virtual Network name, all agents and master will be placed into it
SUBNET Subnet name (can be "default")
AGENT_BASE_NAME Prefix for agent container instances' names
MASTER_NAME Name of container instance of master
REGISTRY_USERNAME App ID of service principal with access to Container Registry
REGISTRY_PASSWORD App secret of service principal with access to Container Registry
AGENT_IMAGE Full image name of agent image (
MASTER_IMAGE Full image name of master image (
STORAGE_ACCOUNT_NAME Storage account with test definitions and where results will be stored
STORAGE_ACCOUNT_KEY Storage account key
STORAGE_SHARE_NAME File share name (needs to exist)
STORAGE_MOUNT_PATH Linux filesystem path where the share will be mounted
AGENT_COUNT How many agents will be created
TARGET_SYSTEM IP (DNS) of system under load
TEST_FILE Path to the JMX file which should be run. File will be uploaded to file share before running

Potential issues

Watch out for line endings! When editing on Windows Git can change LF to CRLF - such Bash scripts will not work. This repo is configured locally to have automatic CRLF off, make sure that your editor (VS Code) is able to work with LF automatically.

If you get this message when creating master: The container group 'xxxx' is still transitioning, please retry later. don't worry about it, just wait for the master to finish provisioning/updating. It usually means that it was configured properly, but is not ready yet.