
A generator for tmux configuration files.

MIT License



Generate tmux configuration files from a single, annotated .tmux.conf.

tmux-config seeks to ease the pain of maintaining different .tmux.conf files for different versions of tmux, or across different platforms. Using tmux-config, you can annotate a single .tmux.conf file with commented directives that indicate whether a particular chunk of configuration should be applied in your current environment, and tmux-config will do the work of generating a .tmux.conf configuration file tuned for your current environment, and instruct tmux to load that. See Examples below for more details.


The following snippet of code will:

  1. Copy a pre-existing ~/.tmux.conf to ~/.tmux/.tmux.conf,
  2. Write the tmux-config loader to ~/.tmux.conf.

Be sure to back up a pre-existing ~/.tmux.conf before running this, just in case!

git clone
cd tmux-config && ./tmux-config --bootstrap


Currently, the following directives are understood by tmux-config:

  • # @if [bash-statement]
  • # @elif [bash-statement]
  • # @else
  • # @fi
  • # @eval [bash-statement]
  • # @source [bash-script]

When an @if directive is encountered, the following Bash snippet of code is evaluated, and the return status is used to choose whether any following tmux configuration is added to the generated file. @else switches the condition from the previously encountered @if, and @fi closes the @if block.

@eval is provided as a catch-all mechanism for defining your own Bash variables for use in later @if statements. @source is used to source a Bash script.

tmux-config provides the TMUX_VERSION environment variable for use in the @if directives.

Generated tmux configuration files are populated (by default) at:

  • ~/.tmux/config/

Folder names are (currently) generated based on a combination of the tmux version, as well as the output of $(uname). If necessary, you can override this behavior by setting the TMUX_CONFIG_OUTPUT environment variable (e.g. in your ~/.bashrc).


See my own .tmux.conf for a relatively complete example of what can be done with tmux-config.


  • Use different code for activating mouse selection:
# @if [ "${TMUX_VERSION}" \< "2.0" ]
set -gq mode-mouse on
set -gq mouse-resize-pane on
set -gq mouse-select-pane on
set -gq mouse-select-window on
# @else
set -gq mouse on
# @fi
# @if [ "$(uname)" = "Darwin" ]
set -g default-command "reattach-to-user-namespace -l $SHELL"
# @fi