
kitchensink: Squeezing as many software stacks as possible into scale-down container deployments


kitchensink: Squeezing as many software stacks as possible into scale-down container deployments

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$ kubectl apply -f kubernetes/echoserver.k8s.yml
$ kubectl get pods
NAME                          READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
echoserver-56dd7f9db7-j2hsd   1/1     Running   0          10s
$ kubectl port-forward echoserver-56dd7f9db7-j2hsd 8080:8080
$ curl http://localhost:8080/ -d batmobile


$ minikube start
$ eval "$(minikube docker-env)"
$ sh -c "cd apps/echoserver && ./build"
$ kubectl apply -f kubernetes/echoserver.yml
$ kubectl get pods
NAME                          READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
echoserver-56dd7f9db7-94k84   1/1     Running   0          10s
$ kubectl port-forward echoserver-56dd7f9db7-94k84 8080:8080
$ curl http://localhost:8080/ -d batmobile


$ cd apps/echoserver
$ docker-compose up
$ curl http://localhost:8080/ -d batmobile


$ cd apps/echoserver
$ ./build
$ docker run --rm -it -p 8080:8080 mcandre/echoserver:latest
$ curl http://localhost:8080/ -d batmobile


$ cd apps/echoserver
$ mkdir -p bin
$ go build -o bin/echoserver .
$ ./bin/echoserver
$ curl http://localhost:8080/ -d batmobile

Note: curl offers a handy -w "\n" flag for enhanced shell prompt trailing.


In the beginning were containers. And they were good. They would scale UP production to tremendous heights, 10x, 100x, 1Mx. What an electric bill! Alas, no one ever thought to scale back DOWN in development. Whoo can run the whole system? No one! Bugs go unsquashed. Much fire. Features are sidelined. Thus, progress sputters and halts. The dream fades...

That's where kitchensink comes in. Your application matters. When you have a problem, you want the only technical difference between your laptop and prod to be credentials and a replication factor. Anyone can offer "microservices". We offer minimal deployments, designed to squeeze complex systems onto your test rig, so that you have more breathing room to prototype, hotfix, and streamline your SDLC.

As a bonus, structuring your software as containers helps contributors to get up to speed building and running your stuff. No matter whether you're on Mac, Windows, Linux, or something even stranger than that, containers can make everything much easier to manage. The examples above are meant to illustrate just how flexible containerized systems can be.




Running eval "$(minikube docker-env)" in your shell session will integrate Docker CLI with minikube. This enables some simple convenience commands for minikube development such as docker build and docker images.

HOWEVER, minikube containers should always be deployed with kubectl. In the event that a container is deployed with raw docker run commands, then the minikube cluster can become corrupt.

If this happens, you may invoke minikube delete to get back to a functioning state.

Remember to unset all minikube docker-env environment variables prior to launching any raw docker run deployments.


The DevOps world is going bananas right now, with a huge community and expertise all over the spectrum. Some of you may be subject matter experts. If you've already syscall-gated WASM CloudABI bundles building cross-platform with fully OS-agnostic orchestration DSL's, great! Let's keep building.

And some of you could be newbies practicing your first coding snippets. That's awesome! The wonder of microservices is that all kinds of individuals are working on this cool stuff. Welcome aboard. For everything in-between, containers bae.