
Material from speaking on Kubernetes kops


Here is a repository that holds some common kops Kubernetes clusters. I think these are great discussion points, and this repository offers a good way to see what kops has to offer on AWS. Below you will find some example cluster configurations, with working shell scripts to run them. Also provided is a convenient diagram of each cluster and how the configuration and topology change with each type of cluster. My personal favorite happens to be the highly available private topology configuration

The demonstrations here make an assumption that you have been able to get through kops cluster up and running in AWS.

Getting Started with Kops

Article Link
Seeting up an HA Kubernetes cluster in AWS with private topology nivenly.com/kops-1-5-1
Booting Kubernetes on EC2 with kops deis.com/docs/workflow/quickstart/provider/aws/boot
Offical Guide aws.md
kops download kops v1.5.3

Kubernetes Cluster Examples

Type Topology Link
single-master public Example
single-master private Example
highly-available-master private Example
highly-available-master (with a subdomain) private Example

About me

I think I am pretty cool, and try to work really hard at making this stuff easy for you. I would love to hear what you think, or if this was helpful to you! It's hard to see how much attention this stuff gets so please feel free to give me a shout.

Kris Nova
Email [email protected]
GitHub kris-nova
Twitter @kris__nova
My life story nivenly.com


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