
Some things that need to be done to get a fresh install of Mac OS X configured to my liking.

MIT License


Mac OS X setup

This repository is probably not very interesting to anyone but me. It's all about the things that need to be done to get a fresh install of Mac OS X configured to my liking. I'm writing all of this down here so that I do not have to think too much when reinstalling the system.

  • ⚠️ Checkout this project in your home directory.

System Preferences

  • General
    • Show scroll bars
      • ✅ Always
    • Default web browser: Firefox Developer Edition
  • Keyboard
    • Keyboard
      • Modifier Keys
        • Caps Lock: No Action
        • Option: Command (if using an Apple Keyboard)
        • Command: Option (if using an Apple Keyboard)
    • Shortcuts
      • Select the previous input source Shift + Command + L
      • ✅ Use keyboard navigation to move focus between controls
    • Input Sources
    • Keyboard navigation ✅
  • Mission Control
    • Hot Corners
      • Top Right: Desktop
      • Bottom Right: Mission Control
      • Top Left: Application Windows
  • Date & Time
    • Clock
      • ✅ Show date
  • Language & Region:
    • Set 3 preferred languages in this order: English (UK), German (Germany), Polish. This should add leading zeros in dates and times.
  • Dock
    • ❌ Show recent applications in Dock
  • Control Center
    • ✅ Bluetooth - Show in Menu Bar
    • ✅ Accessibility Shortcuts - Show in Menu Bar
    • ✅ Fast User Switching - Show in Menu Bar
    • ✅ Battery - Show in Menu Bar && Show Percentage
    • ❌ Spotlight - Show in Menu Bar
  • Display
    • Night shift
      • 08:00 - 18:00
  • Airdrop
    • turn off AirPlay receiver to release port 5000

Finder defaults

defaults write AppleShowAllFiles YES
defaults write CreateDesktop false
killall Finder

Command Line Tools

xcode-select --install

Install stuff


Configure manually

  • Git
    • Add and to global config
    • Set ~/.gitignore as core.excludesfile
  • Terminal
  • Alfred
    • Activate Powerpack
    • Default Results - Setup fallback results
      • Remove Google, put DuckDuckGo on top
    • Web Search
      • dict -{query}
      • diki -{query}
      • dikig -{query}
      • collins -{query}
      • conj -{query}.html
  • iTerm 2
    • General
      • ❌ Copy to pasteboard on selection
    • Profiles
    • Pointer
      • ❌ Middle button single click - Paste from clipboard
  • Firefox
    • Log in to Firefox Sync to install extensions
  • Karabiner Elements
    • On Apple Internal Keyboard, remap:
      • left_command -> left_option
      • left_option -> left_command
      • right_command -> right_option
      • right_option -> right_command
  • WebStorm via Jetbrains Toolbox (which comes from brew)
    • Enable settings sync, pull settings from account
    • In Jetbrains Toolbox, verify that a shell script was created
  • Carbon Copy Cloner
  • ColorPicker
  • SSH
    • Generate key and add to Github
  • Shottr
    • Activate license
    • In system preferences, turn off screenshot keyboard shortcuts
    • Let Shottr use those shortcuts instead
    • Set Desktop as folder