
A guide to getting your MacBook Pro M1 ready for Software Development.

MIT License


Mac M-Series Software Development Setup Guide

Welcome to the ultimate guide for setting up your Mac M-Series for software development. Equip your Mac with the best tools and configurations to boost your coding experience.

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Table of Contents

What's Inside?

  • Essential tool installations: Homebrew, Xcode, and more.
  • Terminal & shell configurations.
  • Must-have software and Quick Look plugins.
  • Customizations to enhance your macOS experience and productivity.

Dive in to transform your M-Series Mac into a developer's paradise!

Mac M-Series at a glance

Apple ushered in a new era in late 2020 by transitioning from Intel processors to its Apple Silicon in Mac computers, introducing the Mac M-Series.

Repository Contents

Discover the source code, recommended software, tools, and libraries for the M-Series Development Guide in this repository.

├── Makefile
├── Report.txt
├── package.json
└── src
    ├── homebrew
    │   ├──
    │   ├──
    │   ├──
    │   └──
    └── macOS

4 directories, 14 files

Setting Up Your Mac

Before diving into the development setup, ensure your Mac is ready. Follow Apple's official documentation for a smooth setup.

Kickstart Your Development Setup

Once your Mac is set up, you can begin installing the essential tools for software development.

1. Initial Steps

  • Open Terminal: Access through Launchpad or find it in /Applications/Utilities.
  • Install Xcode Command Line Tools: Run xcode-select --install in Terminal.
  • Install Rosetta 2: Run /usr/sbin/softwareupdate --install-rosetta --agree-to-license in Terminal.

2. Install macOS Preferences

  • Open Terminal and run the following command:
chmod +x ./src/macOS/ && sh ./src/macOS/`

The script will install the following software:

  • Homebrew - The Missing Package Manager for macOS (or Linux),
  • The XCode Command Line Tool,
  • The ‘locate’ Command - To track down files, file type, app, extension,

3. Add Homebrew to your PATH

You will need to add Homebrew to your PATH environment variable. To do so:

  • Open terminal and run the following command:
echo 'eval "$(/opt/homebrew/bin/brew shellenv)"' >> /Users/[your-user-name]/.zprofile
eval "$(/opt/homebrew/bin/brew shellenv)"

then restart your terminal.

4. Add Homebrew to your .zshrc file

Add Homebrew to your path, edit your .zshrc file and add the following at the bottom.

export PATH=/opt/homebrew/bin:$PATH
export PATH=/opt/homebrew/sbin:$PATH

Enhancing Your Mac with Homebrew Configurations

Dive deep into the power of Homebrew by extending its capabilities. Here's how you can utilize Homebrew to its fullest:

1. GUI Applications with Homebrew Casks

Homebrew Cask elevates Homebrew by simplifying the installation and management of GUI macOS applications, including popular ones like Atom and Google Chrome.

To get started with Homebrew Casks:

chmod +x ./src/homebrew/ && sh ./src/homebrew/

2. Font Management with Caskroom Fonts

Harness the power of Caskroom Fonts to manage a vast collection of fonts directly from your terminal through Homebrew Cask.

Install a curated selection of fonts:

chmod +x ./src/homebrew/ && sh ./src/homebrew/

Enjoy access to over 1946 freely-distributable fonts. Search, install, or uninstall them just like any Homebrew Cask application.

3. Browse Packages with Homebrew Formulae

Homebrew Formulae serves as an online package browser specifically for Homebrew, catering to both macOS and Linux.

To utilize Homebrew Formulae:

chmod +x ./src/homebrew/ && sh ./src/homebrew/

4. Enhanced File Preview with Homebrew QLPlugins

Experience Quick Look's capability to swiftly preview almost any file type without the need to open them. Trigger QuickLook plugins with a simple SPACE bar press in Finder.

Check your current plugins with:

qlmanage -m plugins

Install a handpicked list of Quick Look plugins tailored for developers:

chmod +x ./src/homebrew/ && sh ./src/homebrew/

Congratulations, you've now harnessed the complete power of Homebrew!

Customizing Your macOS Experience

Tailor your Mac settings and preferences to fit your needs. Here's a step-by-step guide to get your macOS looking and behaving the way you want:

1. Setting macOS Defaults

The macOS defaults tool interfaces directly with the macOS preferences system, allowing many apps to seamlessly manage settings and preferences.

To configure macOS defaults, execute the following in your Terminal:

chmod +x ./src/macOS/ && sh ./src/macOS/

2. Discover App Store Treasures

Navigate through a curated list of essential App Store software, all accessible through the Mac App Store's command-line interface.

To start exploring and installing:

chmod +x ./src/macOS/ && sh ./src/macOS/

Versioning & Updates

Adhering to semantic versioning ensures consistent updates. Refer to GitHub Releases for the changelog.

How to Contribute

Your contributions can make this guide even better! Check our Contributing Guidelines to get started.

Community & Values

Join a community that values diversity and inclusivity. Familiarize yourself with our Code of Conduct.

Our beliefs:

  • Perfection encompasses everything.
  • Passion transcends code.
  • Obsession with excellence in solutions.


This project embraces the MIT License. View LICENSE details.

Shoutouts & Credits

macOS Config is a masterpiece crafted by Sebastien Rousseau and other incredible contributors.

Crafted with ❤ in London.

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