
Personal shell settings (aliases, functions, commands, shell options)

MIT License



This is a repository for my personal shell scripts. The name mshex comes from the abbreviation of "my shell extensions". The license is MIT License.


make (GNU make) and gawk (GNU awk) is required. mshex can be installed by the following commands. The scripts and settings will be copied to the install path specified by the make variable PREFIX. The default path for PREFIX is ~/.mwg.

$ git clone [email protected]:akinomyoga/mshex.git
$ cd mshex
$ make install PREFIX=~/.mwg

The common bashrc settings can be loaded by sourcing ~/.mwg/share/mshex/shrc/ To use the external commands of this package, add PREFIX/bin (where PREFIX is the install path) to the environment variable PATH.

# bashrc

# Initialize mshex install prefix

# Load common bashrc settings
source "$MWGPATH/share/mshex/shrc/"

# Use mshex external commansds
export PATH=$MWGPATH/bin:$PATH

The list of external commands

The scripts installed in PREFIX/bin is listed here. Please check the output of --help for details of each command.

Source file manipulation

# Find source file names
findsrc [options]
src find [options]

# Grep patterns from the source files
grc [options] pattern [files...]
src grep [options]

# Count LoC
src wc [options]

# Replace tokens in the source files
refact [options] before after [files...]

# Update Makefile from Makefile.pp

General file manipulation

# Create backup to file.20150101.ext
mwgbk [options] files...

# Rename files with regex (ERE)
ren before after [files...]

# Safe file removes backed up into ~/.recycle
remove [options] files...

# Safe file moves
move [options] file1 file2
move [options] files... dir

# Modify cygwin permissions
modmod [files...]

# Backupped synchronization
msync [options] srcdir dstdir

Copy & run executable files

# Copy and run the executable.
crun executable

# Compile and run program.cxx.
crun program.cxx

Passwords and encryption

# Generate random password

# Edit ~/.ssh/passwd.cz2
pass --edit

# View ~/.ssh/passwd.cz2

# Encrypt the file
cz file

# Decrypt the file
cz file.cz2

# View contents of the encrypted file
czless file.cz2


# Remove duplicates in ~/.bash_history
hist-uniq [file]

# Filter for text justification (extended fold)
ifold [options]

# Create archive
tarc archive files...

# Show IO activities of the system

The list of aliases and functions by shrc/

Job control

  • Alias j: jobs
  • Alias f: fg
  • Alias F: fg %-
  • Alias NUM: fg %NUM
  • Key-binding M-z: fg
  • Key-binding C-z: fg
  • Key-binding C-NUM: fg %NUM

Change directory

  • Alias c: cd - (goto previous directory)
  • Alias C: cd .. (goto parent directory)
  • Key-binding next: show menu for cd history
  • Key-binding M-up: goto the previous entry in cd history
  • Key-binding M-down: goto the next entry in cd history


  • Alias m: make in the appropriate directory
  • Function g: git manipulations
    • Function g: git status
    • Function g d: diff "working tree" vs "index" (git diff)
    • Function g d0: diff "index" vs "HEAD" (git diff --cached)
    • Function g d[NUM]: diff "NUM-th last commit" vs "its previous commit" (git diff @~((NUM-1)) @~NUM)
    • Function g d COMMIT: diff "the specified commit" vs "its previous commit" (git diff COMMIT~1 COMMIT)
    • Function g t: show commit graph (git log --graph ...)
    • Function g set-mtime: set timestamp of each tracked file to that of the last commit that changed the file
    • Function g ...: other git commands (git "$@")


  • Function rmgomi: rm -rf gomi
  • Alias o: open file with an appropriate program (cygstart, xdg-open, open, etc.)
  • Alias p: show processes (ps uaxf)
  • Alias h: show recent command history
  • Alias d: show date and calendar
  • Alias a: simple calculation command (using gawk)
  • Alias s: stty sane
  • Alias v: view file
  • Alias l: ls -lB
  • Alias ll: ls -l
  • Alias la: ls -la
  • Alias ls, diff, grep: color options
  • Alias cp, rm, mv, scp: clobber options
  • Alias yes: check stdout
  • Function mshex/display: reset the environment variable DISPLAY for the latest SSH session.
  • Function mshex/set-prompt: set prompt
  • Function mshex/set-window-title: set window title in prompt

Also, changes the settings for history, tty, checkwinsize, TRAPERR, LANG, etc.

PATH manipulation

These functions are defined in PREFIX/share/mshex/shrc/


  PATH.canonicalize [-v VARNAME] [-F SEP]
  PATH.prepend      [-v VARNAME] [-F SEP] [-n] PATHS...
  PATH.append       [-v VARNAME] [-F SEP] [-n] PATHS...
  PATH.remove       [-v VARNAME] [-F SEP] PATHS...         [VARNAME]


  -v VARNAME  Change the target variable name. The default is PATH.
  -F SEP      Change the path separater. The default is colon (:).
  -n          Do not add non-existent path.