
Template repository to manage your bash scripts as code, the simplest way

MIT License


Linux Script Manager

- Don't keep your bash scripts in a repository?😱
- Do it with my-script-manager today!

Manage your day to day or work linux bash scripts as a git repository 😍 with command line tool to auto update and sync your machine. 💘

With my-script-manager you can share your scripts between your devices and with your friends and colleagues, easily setup your new devices, keep track of your scripts and never lost them again.

💌 Help this project evolve by your contributin.


  1. fork this repositry

  2. clone your respository in a nice location (ex: /opt)

  3. cd {clone-location}/my-script-manager

  4. load scrits: sudo ./scriptmanager --load

  5. open new terminal or logout from existing

  6. add your scripts in project root directory (see: example), don't forget sudo chmod +x your-new-script

  7. push your changes

  8. sync scripts: scriptmanager --sync

  9. [optional] add --sync cronjob: scriptmanager --cron

  10. access and use your scripts from any machine just by clone it in seconds!

  11. enjoy your nice scripts!

scriptmanager tool

Script Manager v0.1

	scriptmanager [COMMAND]

	--sync: pull from origin and sync scripts
	--load: init my-script-manager and add scripts to PATH (use .profile)
	--cron: add cronjob to --sync each 5 minutes
	--help: show this message


  • add alias command: scriptmanager --add-alias "alias ls=ls -lha"
  • remove alias command: scriptmanager --remove-alias "ls"
  • list aliases command: scriptmanager --list-alias "ls"