
Create throw-away MySQL servers for regression tests

GPL-2.0 License


my_virtualenv -- Create throw-away MySQL servers for regression tests

Ever quickly needed a fresh MySQL server to run some tests? Always envied PostgreSQL for the cool pg_virtualenv? Now you can have a piece of the cake too!


git clone

There is no fancy shell script you can curl ... | sh (well, actually... nononono, forget it!).


  • a POSIX compatible shell
  • MySQL (tested with 8.0) or MariaDB (tested with 10.6), other versions and flavors should work but are untested
  • either pwgen or an MD5 command line tool (either md5sum from GNU coreutils or md5 from OSX or OpenSSL)
  • either ss (from iproute2) or nc (from any netcat implementation)


Well, there is none, really.


Either just call my_virtualenv and get a fresh shell with a mysqld running in the background:

$ my_virtualenv
$ mysql
Welcome to the MySQL monitor.  Commands end with ; or \g.
Your MySQL connection id is 4
Server version: 5.5.33-1 (Debian)

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Type 'help;' or '\h' for help. Type '\c' to clear the current input statement.


Or wrap your tests with it:

$ my_virtualenv make test
echo "CREATE DATABASE test;" | mysql

After the command/shell terminates, the running mysqld gets killed and all the data is removed.


When running my_virtualenv, your environment gets poluted with the following (useful) vars:

  • MYSQL_USER - the user you can connect as
  • MYSQL_PWD - the password of your user
  • MYSQL_HOME - the place to find my.cnf
  • MYSQL_HOST - the host mysqld is running on (always localhost)
  • MYSQL_TCP_PORT - the TCP port of mysqld
  • MYSQL_UNIX_PORT - the path to the mysqld socket