
a 4MB alpine based nginx docker image, but carried with a configurable cache among other features

GPL-3.0 License



🌎 a 4MB alpine based nginx docker image, but carried with a configurable cache among other features

Built to be part of your project


Why did you built a nginx/alpine image?

Say WHAATT?? I search a lot, I really do, but unfortunatelly I like to customize things, get my hands dirty on and make things work. Unfortunatelly most of the images I've seen have something missing or don't have what I need for now.

As so, I've developed an image which can grant you TOTAL ACCESS to the nginx.conf file. (Well, part of that its true, whenever you need something this doesn't have, create an Issue)


  • Cache control as options (and always on eTag headers)
  • CORS headers as options
  • Enhanced for static content


How to use it?

I've provided an hello world example so you can easily understand how you can couple it with your project.

Create a Dockerfile based on the latest tag


FROM cusspvz/nginx:latest
MAINTAINER God <[email protected]>

Easy right?

Tell me where your public stuff is

Computer isn't smart, yet, and I didn't developed an html/css/js auto-finder, so you must tell your image where you save the precious juice.

Imagine that you have it under public/ on the root of your project. Just set up your Dockerfile like this:


FROM cusspvz/nginx:latest
MAINTAINER God <[email protected]>

ADD public/ /pub

And you're ready to set!

Building up the image

docker build -t dockerusername/yolo .

Executing it

docker run -ti -p 80:80 dockerusername/yolo

Seems easy, but do you have a onbuild tag, how does it work?

Hell yeah it is.

You can use the onbuild tag ONLY if you have your public goods on public/. That is the only thing the onbuild does, adding a folder as /pub


FROM cusspvz/nginx:onbuild
MAINTAINER God <[email protected]>


Here's the good part!!! :D


Defaults to: /pub

Allows you to change the target root directory inside the container.

NOTE: If you change this, you will need to change your public content ADD statements as well.


Defaults to: /etc/nginx/boot.conf

Sets the path of the generated nginx config gile.


Defaults to: 1024

Change this if you need to serve more connections


Defaults to: 80

Sets the listening http port.

NOTE: If you change this you will also to have sure you set the right port whenever you run a new container based on your image.


Defaults to: $uri $uri/ $uri/index.html index.html

Allows you to change the file lookup order. Useful for setting up a specific page for a 404.


Defaults to: utf-8

NOTE: Change if this isn't the charset you're using.


Defaults to: application/javascript application/x-javascript application/rss+xml text/javascript text/css image/svg+xml

We already compress assets, if you have more assets you need to compress, please change this line. If you think I've missed some of them here, please PR the changes or open a new Issue! :)


Defaults to: 6

I like to maintain compression somewhere in the middle, so we can average the network vs cpu usage.


Defaults to: html

We're ignoring cache for HTMLs because they are usually who target other assets. Feel free to set this empty in case you need to cache them.


Defaults to: ico|jpg|jpeg|png|gif|svg|js|jsx|css|less|swf|eot|ttf|otf|woff|woff2

All html assets should be cached, so you can have a fast website and a great SEO.


Defaults to: 1y

By default, I believe all your static assets should live, at least, for a year on your visitors computer. If you disagree, feel free to change.


Defaults to: *


Defaults to: GET, POST, OPTIONS


Defaults to: DNT,Keep-Alive,User-Agent,X-Requested-With,If-Modified-Since,Cache-Control,Content-Type

Final comments

Now you can: sayy WHHAAAATTT??



Feel free to create Issues or Pull Requests.