
I am a terrible person.


Hi. You look like a nice person.

You should probably leave. Seriously, you don't want to read this. Turn around.


If you're still here, you're probably one of those people drawn inextricably to technological disasters because you want to understand exactly what set of circumstances conspired to balance that train carriage perfectly on end atop the pink Mini Cooper. Do you work in operations, by any chance?

Anyway, this is a small experiment to discover if it is possible to host an API which requires bearer token auth, supplied in the HTTP "Authorization" header, behind HTTP Basic authentication provided by nginx.

Why is this a problem? Well, because the standard mechanism for doing bearer token auth is to require the provision of a request header like

Authorization: Bearer abcdef123

But HTTP Basic authentication says that you should send

Authorization: Basic Zm9vOmJhcg==

where the gibberish on the right hand side is

b64encode(username + ":" + password)

Now, this wouldn't be a problem but for two things:

  1. The specs (RFC2616, RFC2617) aren't clear on whether multiple Authorization headers are allowed. In practice, nginx will reject a request with multiple Authorization headers with an HTTP 400 (Bad Request).

  2. The "Authorization" header has no normative form, as far as I can tell. There is no specified mechanism for providing multiple claims for auth in a single header.

We would appear to have arrived at an impasse, except for the fact that nginx (at least the version I'm testing with, 1.4.6) appears to ignore trailing data at the end of a valid HTTP Basic auth header. That is, if

Authorization: Basic Zm9vOmJhcg==

will allow you through nginx's auth check, then so will

Authorization: Basic Zm9vOmJhcg== More Data!

and even

Authorization: Basic Zm9vOmJhcg==AllKindsOfGibberish

This is, without question, a slightly worrying feature. But hey, it helps us with our original problem. The solution is in sight! Simply ask nginx to strip off the start of the authorization header when passing a request upstream, leaving only that part of the Authorization header it doesn't know what to do with:

map $http_authorization $auth_passthru {
  default "";
  "~Basic \S+\s+(?P<authsuffix>.+)$" "$authsuffix";

This declaration makes nginx define a new variable, $auth_passthru, which contains nothing if there is no trailing data on the Authorization header, or if there is no Authorization header at all, but which contains only the trailing data (after any whitespace) otherwise.

So, make a request with

Authorization: Basic Zm9vOmJhcg==, Bearer abcdef123

and the proxy will see

Authorization: Bearer abcdef123


But seriously? Don't do this.