
Various Installation Tools for OpenStack External Testing


OpenStack External Test Platform



This repository contains documentation and modules in a variety of configuration management systems that demonstrates setting up a real-world external testing platform that links with the upstream OpenStack CI platform.

It installs Jenkins, Jenkins Job Builder (JJB), the Gerrit Jenkins plugin, and a set of scripts that make running a variety of OpenStack integration tests easy.

Currently only Puppet modules are complete and tested. Ansible scripts will follow afterwards.


The following are pre-requisite steps before you install anything:

  1. Get a Gerrit account for your testing system registered

  2. Ensure base packages installed on your target hosts/VMs

  3. Set up your data repository

Below are detailed instructions for each step.

Registering an Upstream Gerrit Account

You will need to register a Gerrit account with the upstream OpenStack CI platform. You can read the instructions for doing that

Ensure Basic Packages on Hosts/VMs

We will be installing a Jenkins master server and infrastructure on one host or virtual machine and one or more Jenkins slave servers on hosts or VMs.

On each of these target nodes, you will want the base image to have the wget, openssl, ssl-cert and ca-certificates packages installed before running anything in this repository.

Set Up Your Data Repository

You will want to create a Git repository containing configuration data files -- such as the Gerrit username and private SSH key file for your testing account -- that are used in setting up the test platform.

The easiest way to get your data repository set up is to make a copy of the example repository I set up here:


and put it somewhere private. There are a few things you will need to do in this data repository:

  1. Copy the private SSH key that you submitted when you registered with the upstream OpenStack Infrastructure team into somewhere in this repo.

  2. If you do not want to use the SSH key pair in the os-ext-testing-data example data repository and want to create your own SSH key pair, do this step.

    Create an SSH key pair that you will use for Jenkins. This SSH key pair will live in the /var/lib/jenkins/.ssh/ directory on the master Jenkins host, and it will be added to the /home/jenkins/.ssh/authorized_keys file of all slave hosts::

    ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 1024 -N '' -f jenkins_key

    Once you do the above, copy the jenkins_key and jenkins_key.pub files into your data repository.

  3. Open up vars.sh in an editor.

  4. Change the value of the $UPSTREAM_GERRIT_USER shell variable to the Gerrit username you registered with the upstream OpenStack Infrastructure team as detailed in these instructions

  5. Change the value of the $UPSTREAM_GERRIT_SSH_KEY_PATH shell variable to the relative path of the private SSH key file you copied into the repository in step #2.

    For example, let's say you put your private SSH key file named mygerritkey into a directory called ssh within the repository, you would set the $UPSTREAM_GERRIT_SSH_KEY_PATH value to ssh/mygerritkey

  6. If for some reason, in step #2 above, you either used a different output filename than jenkins_key or put the key pair into some subdirectory of your data repository, then change the value of the $JENKINS_SSH_KEY_PATH variable in vars.sh to an appropriate value.


Setting up the Jenkins Master


On the machine you will use as your Jenkins master, run the following:

wget https://raw.github.com/jaypipes/os-ext-testing/master/puppet/install_master.sh
bash install_master.sh

The script will install Puppet, create an SSH key for the Jenkins master, create self-signed certificates for Apache, and then will ask you for the URL of the Git repository you are using as your data repository (see Prerequisites #3 above). Enter the URL of your data repository and hit Enter.

Puppet will proceed to set up the Jenkins master.

Load Jenkins Up with Your Jobs

Run the following at the command line:

sudo jenkins-jobs --flush-cache --delete-old update /etc/jenkins_jobs/config


After Puppet installs Jenkins and Zuul, you will need to do a couple manual configuration steps in the Jenkins UI.

  1. Go to the Jenkins web UI. By default, this will be http://$IP_OF_MASTER:8080

  2. Click the Manage Jenkins link on the left

  3. Click the Configure System link

  4. Scroll down until you see "Gearman Plugin Config". Check the "Enable Gearman" checkbox.

  5. Click the "Test Connection" button and verify Jenkins connects to Gearman.

  6. Scroll down to the bottom of the page and click Save

  7. At the command line, do this::

    sudo service zuul restart

Setting up Jenkins Slaves

On each machine you will use as a Jenkins slave, run:

wget https://raw.github.com/jaypipes/os-ext-testing/master/puppet/install_slave.sh
bash install_slave.sh

The script will install Puppet, install a Jenkins slave, and install the Jenkins master's public SSH key in the authorized_keys of the Jenkins slave.

Once the script completes successfully, you need to add the slave node to Jenkins master. To do so manually, follow these steps:

  1. Go to the Jenkins web UI. By default, this will be http://$IP_OF_MASTER:8080

  2. Click the Credentials link on the left

  3. Click the Global credentials link

  4. Click the Add credentials link on the left

  5. Select SSH username with private key from the dropdown labeled "Kind"

  6. Enter "jenkins" in the Username textbox

  7. Select the "From a file on Jenkins master" radio button and enter /var/lib/jenkins/.ssh/id_rsa in the File textbox

  8. Click the OK button

  9. Click the "Jenkins" link in the upper left to go back to home page

  10. Click the Manage Jenkins link on the left

  11. Click the Manage Nodes link

  12. Click the "New Node" link on the left

  13. Enter devstack_slave1 in the Node name textbox

  14. Select the Dumb Slave radio button

  15. Click the OK button

  16. Enter 2 in the Executors textbox

  17. Enter /home/jenkins/workspaces in the Remote FS root textbox

  18. Enter devstack_slave in the Labels textbox

  19. Enter the IP Address of your slave host or VM in the Host textbox

  20. Select jenkins from the Credentials dropdown

  21. Click the Save button

  22. Click the Log link on the left. The log should show the master connecting to the slave, and at the end of the log should be: "Slave successfully connected and online"